Uluru Rock Rules Ayers Kooris
Uluru “The Rock” – Great Spiritual One says stop a stomping upon Uluru, otherwise I will have to stomp on you yeah! Rock On Hell Yeah! Do have so some fucking respect all you little lily white arsed mother-fuckers, respects yourselves as you would respects others with true respect no less and that be word of GOD its no fucking less ok. Uluru being it “Rock Art” peoples how would you dumb-fuckers like someone defacing your creation? I bet you would be hopping ups and down with rage if someone did not respects your property you bets on it you would as it’s in your natures you would. Keep your fucking feet off Uluru!
Weekdays weekends what difference does so a day makes I do ask you all, can anyone tell me answer? Jesus Fucking Christ I bets most of you be lucky if’s you’ve fucking wells properly potty trained and have learned to so wash your hands after you wiped your arsehole, as I can well sees most of you not out of it kindergarten as yet. What? Did some of you fuckers thinks that living life is just about fucking around and doing what you fucking wells pleases without so any karmic accountability? Know it no excuses for being fucking ignorant as you have been given it the word many lifetimes that you has fucking well lived life ok! Most of you dumb-fuckers will have to thank ALLAH you are stills standing on this Earth if you’re reading after you SEE it all ok, yes it because of it the Jesus Incident written in Scriptures that your fucking arses spared, from so fate worse than fucking death itself. Great LORD GOD of Wisdom and of Many Name’s WODAN is truly Most Gracious and Merciful Person ALLAH, if you do not believe that you can fuck OFF.
Look it day names “montueswednesthursfrisatursun – nusrutasirfsruhtsendewseutnom” without the word day and it a phonetically forward and reverse spells: Man choose wed nest hers father say true son - new rut a surfs rough send you see you tee number mount youse we denies the yours father is at your son - no us are utter sir fucking sees are your send youse ute number. – Personally it just all bullshit eh!
DAY YA D DA Y YA D AY Y AD DAY 2514 4125 EBAD DAEB YN DLE EUD DOE YAD DABE EBN DAY – Personally this being just wells more bullshit!
Our universe if you do look at it from various angles being so like huge ocean made up of different seas with a lot of flotsam it suspended within and twirling flotsam around infinite number of different vortices it black holes galactic. Stirred not shaken makes it so creation within the waters of life, just like it so stated Hindu Scriptures if I’m not mistaken it is liquid force!
Some may so think I’m racist, guess what I’m racist towards all those who are racist. Some may so think I’m Anti-Semitic, guess what I’m bloody Anti-Semitic it’s because Jews are one of the most racist races around and it being because of them as a race our present world be in the state it be in at the moment. Not only are they racist little fuckers they also being materialistic selfish people, for even though they as a race claim that Israel being so land given by GOD to them Jews as promised did that give them so the right to dispossess the Palestinians from their home lands? If their claim is true is that what truly so GOD intended, or be it so TEST on them to see if they be actually worthy to be Chosen People of GOD? It so looks like in words they are so worthy to be one with their own individual goddamned greater self if youse asks me, so I guess in words they are truly Chosen People of GOD seeing that the race known as Jew being actually are in present age truly Nazis reborn. I shall well have to remind the Jews that the LORD GIVETH and the LORD TAKETH no question GOD. Hebrew’s being spiritually not the present day Jews. Hebrews being spiritually Aussies of Many Colours Cultures who lives in the Promised Land it Australia. New Jerusalem being the Gold Coast Queensland, Temple has been rebuilt so being Exhibition Centre.
Some would claim that I am misogynistic, hell guess what a woman who well so dresses up like a SLUT, drinks like a SLUT and who always acts like she’s a SLUT, must surly be nothing but in truth be a SLUT. Nothing wrong if you HOOKER or STRIPPER as it’s your job to dress ups and to so act sleazy to service clients fantasies even though many men are sleazy. WORDS it all has to with words girls, do remember that before you all get your back up with indignation. Know that I not care what colour gender or sexuality you are I treat you all the same: – DISPARAGING!! BLACK CUNT BROWN CUNT WHITE CUNT AND YELLOW CUNT, KNOWS YOU ALL PINK CUNTS INSIDE WHERE IT TRULY COUNTS OK PEOPLE!
AIAFACE N’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Uluru Rock Rules Ayers Kooris space n+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE A N(SPACE) I N’SPACE A N.SPACE FACE N,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE Greater space n-SPACE S N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space s n(space) n’SPACE I N.space r n,space n~SPACE OO SPACE N-space n+SPACE K SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N’space space s n.space r n,space n~SPACE E N-space y space n+SPACE A SPACE N=SPACE S N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(space) space s n’space el n.space u space n,SPACE R SPACE N~SPACE AI N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space k n_space co space n*SPACE R SPACE N(SPACE) S N’space a n.space face space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space u n-space r n+space u n=space n_SPACE L SPACE N*space n(SPACE) U SPACE N’SPACE AI N.space a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE S N+SPACE P N=SPACE A N_SPACE C N*SPACE E N(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE SPACE Spiritual space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Uluru space n+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Rock space n(SPACE) AI N’space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Rule n~space s space n-SPACE S N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Aye n(space) r n’space s space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Koo n+space r n=space is space n_SPACE AI N*space a n(space) face space n’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE One space n-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE IP N_space ace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPA N’SPACE C N.SPACE E N,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE U N-space n+SPACE L N=space u n_space r n*space u space n(SPACE) A N’space n.SPACE IP N,space ace space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Rock space n+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Rules space n,SPACE A N~space n-SPACE IP N+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE A N*space ye n(space) r n’space s space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Koori n+space s space n=SPACE S N_SPACE P N*SPACE AC N(SPACE) E N’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE: Uluru Rock Rules Ayers Kooris – yes we are the land and the land are we spiritual one’s ME!! Yes even with all the shit that has happened since it First Fleet arrived bringing white mans ways without recognition of Indigenous Aboriginal Nations, I know Blackfellas bloody well still CALLS Australia HOME! Kooris it’s now or never too leave our sordid past it truly behind us. It’s time for brand new fresh start for us all, it not just us Australians of Many Colours and Cultures but for all peoples it worldwide. Who are of many nations indigenous and non-indigenous as we are truly all spiritually within being of one family one nation being multi-culturally coloured peoples are 1. - ASATHOR DRIVER INDRA RA THUNDERGOD!!!
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