Observations: Muslim anger has grown at China’s crackdown in Xinjiang, with Turkey’s leader Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan labelling the plight of the Uighurs “a kind of genocide”, told reporters on Friday after returning from the G8 Summit held in Italy. – Obvious that China has many problems in holding itself without brute force together due to ethnic differences within so it China itself?
Rudd trapped in Chinese puzzle it as result of the arrest and detention of Rio Tinto executive on the context of industrial espionage charges. It’s been revealed that investigation was endorsed initially by Chinese President himself. – It’s obvious that he Hu Jintao being STERN about saving some face?
Obama has made a historic visit to Ghana – Yes he Barack sure has impact with the people of Africa!
British soldier death toll in Afghanistan exceeds it Iraqi death toll. – How high will the toll go before people realize that this bloody war will never end!
Webber wins his first Formula 1 in Germany. – It’s about time Mark got on top of the bloody podium.
Taxi industry is going down the tubes and the fault lies squarely with state government in allowing the foreigners to drive cabs without properly testing it knowledge and language skills of these drivers, its pissing locals off so much they’re refusing to catch cabs unless they have too. – There is much more to this issue but we’ll sort all this out 1 day we wills, yes it will be my pleasure to purge out those idiot owners who view us cabbies as just bums on seats, just as it will be my pleasure to purge out drivers who rip off customers. For a true Taxi God being a person of integrity, remember that ok.
A HIGH profile Sudanese woman journalist is facing 40 lashes after being accused of wearing "indecent" clothes, with 10 women already whipped for similar offences against Islamic law. – Women of Islam know it shall be up to you to well answer the CALL of ALLAH once everyone who are beastly are purged from our world, as it shall truly being time of equality for all peoples of the LORD. Note that those of Islam who not so believes after SEES has occurred that “The E.O. of Wodan” is the legitimate representative of ALLAH, know you will suffer fate worse than death itself it word of GOD.
Triple j hottest 100 of all time music poll noted for absence of female artists in the list, seems so that even women who voted did mainly vote for men. – Jesus Fucking Christ girls it was truly a democratic vote, it was voluntary if you voted or not so don’t blame triple j as they’re rotational play list being comprised 40% women artist. Myself I did not vote as I don’t vote ever in popularity contests and that includes fucking elections, which is full of bullshit.
I think I’ll finish this off by saying that I’ve never been more calmer in my mind than I am in my life like I am at the moment, never been surer that we are truly near the end of this madcap journey. I’m greatest of fools I am indeed know that being truth people, for I am not religious but I am a being of it mind aware of GOD, I am a person who believes so GOD as what I’ve perceived turned out to be truly correct after it years of experience of observation, I’ve got true faith in GOD that what I do perceives being facts of our spiritual reality. You who may so come across these writings before SEES wells may dismiss it as ranting of a lunatic do know it bloody not matter, as I’ve said to those who I’ve talked to about some matters of our reality to consider what I say as utter bullshit until it actually happens ok. I have to say it would be bloody nice to live in world without senseless violence and corruption, a world where everyone do feel safe to walk the streets at night, a world where little kiddies can plays in our parks without so parents worrying of them getting molested. A world where people are truly a people of honour and respect, imagine a world where you can do business knowing that you are not going to be exploited and ripped off with those you well do business with, nothing wrong with a bit of good old horse trading as everyone has the right to differ on price of goods traded for it haggling be part of the fun when doing business before the handshake ok.
Sadness being 8th deadly sin, for know that there shall be those who we shall never so meet again in our lifetimes as they have chosen their own path it towards eternal damnation as they have never well heeded guidance given during times they’ve lived. You who read this after SEES be thankful that you did in past lifetimes even if you well not believe in GOD in this lifetime, as you being student of Great Teacher. I have met those in this lifetime who are not going to be around after SEES I do know but so who in the main I not know as it in the end being it Judgement of GOD. I have been a fool in this life I lived trusting and thinking better of peoples than I should have been and being over generous at times both with my money and overlooking well faults in people and giving them benefit of the doubt to my detriment, it is a great fault of mine. Even though I do not ever wants to have personal dealings with some people ever again because of their guile and self centred selfishness, I not carry hate for any of them as I do so truly know that in the end they are answerable to GOD. That is why personally in life I not rather say anything bad about someone if I’ve not anything good to say about them, for do know gossip being 9th deadly sin. What I’ve written in so past years in my emails and postings it will of GOD for I make no apologies and excuses for what I’ve written and will write and say in the future as it being needed to be said if you are ever going too redeem yourselves and have it true everlasting life ok. Know so my life it being one in the service of our humanity, know that I do consider myself very unworthy in having the honour in this lifetime it of infinite lifetimes in bringing it the message of GOD know it be only validated as being truth after SEES ok. Know that if I’m such a dirty rotten scoundrel, you who read this have every hope of getting wells everything you hope for in your infinite lifetimes it journeys of a lifetime, in the service of GOD if you believe and have true faith in it word of GOD SEES?
The Opera House Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Totality New Moon Red Cliff space n’SPACE A N.SPACE I N,SPACE A N~SPACE FACE N-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE SPACE Cosmic space n=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE AI N.SPACE P N,SPACE A N~SPACE C N+SPACE E N=SPACE SPACE N_space space ff n*space il space n(SPACE) C SPACE N’SPACE S p n,space a n~space c n-space e space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space de space n_SPACE R SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) p n’space a c n,space e space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space no n+space o space n=SPACE M SPACE N_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n’SPACE SPACE space we space n,SPACE N SPACE N~SPACE AI N-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space yt n*space il n(space) at n’space o space n.SPACE T SPACE N,SPACE S N~space p n-space a n+space c n=space e space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space ec n(space) ni n’space r space n.SPACE P SPACE N,SPACE AI N~space p n-space a n+space c n=space e space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space do n(space) ol 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SPACE Blood space n_SPACE AI N*space p n(space) ac n’space e space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Prince space n~SPACE Sp n-space ace space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE Total n_space it n*space y space n(SPACE) AI N’space p ac n,space e space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE New space n+SPACE Sp n=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Moo n(space) n space n’SPACE AI p n,space ac n~space e space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE SPACE Red space n=SPACE Sp n_space ac n*space e space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE SPACE C n,SPACE L N~space if n-space f space n+SPACE AI N=space p n_space ac n*space e space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE SP N.SPACE ACE N,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE Isis space n-SPACE AI N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE SPACE Allah space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE S N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE AI N*SPACE A N(SPACE) FACE N’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE: The Opera House Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Totality New Moon Red Cliff – A horse a horse, my kingdom for bloody well a white horse, I do fuck well call you SHADOWFAX. Nirvana smells like teen spirit No. 1 Hottest 100 of all time triple j radio its countdown confirmed; APOLLYON
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