Question: If a woman can well so do anything that a man can do and much more, what be it the prime reason being so born a man?
Answer: Well as any man knows that a woman can sometimes go beyond any logical reason that's known to man, GOD decided in HIS Eternal Wisdom it being quite reasonable to create man named HIM Adam first be prime reasoning of GOD. It was only on the request of HE Adam that GOD decided to create woman named HER Eve and they've been ribbing one another ever since, pardon the PUN. To those women who think that GOD being SHE know if that being the case MAN being so GOD'S GIFT too you women, it a gift that keeps on giving and giving to those who are willing to receive. It being so it the fucking fact and bloody truth know it so women. Oh my GOD yes screams you WOMAN, oh you screams yes my GOD HIGHER.
Comment: Yes you may take the woman off her man but you can never take the man out of his woman, as women are from Venus and men being from Mars.
NEWS.COM.AU FROM ALL ANGLES: “NEDA” looks up at the camera as she lies dying on the streets of Tehran. Blood begins to pour from her mouth and her nose. Her eyes roll back in her head as men scramble to her side to fight, in vain, to keep her alive. Shot through the heart, she dies within minutes. Foreign media are banned from reporting on “non-official” events in Iran and dozens have been arrested or deported in the latest crisis. But this video of a girl no older than 16 bleeding to death has been broadcast across the globe via the internet. It has been posted on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook and has become a rallying point for anti-government protesters inside Iran and around the world. Reports from Iran say the teenager was watching Saturday’s protests with her father when she was shot by Iran’s militia. A message posted with the original YouTube video alleges she was intentionally shot through the chest by a Basij member hiding on a rooftop. “He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart.” “I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim's chest, and she died in less than two minutes. “The protests were going on about one kilometre away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gas used among them, towards Salehi St.” "Neda" in Farsi means "the call" or "the voice". While reporters are not sure whether this is actually the girl's name, there is no doubt that she has become the human face of the Iranian conflict. As Robin Wright wrote in Time: "Although it is not yet clear who shot "Neda" (a soldier? pro government militant? an accidental misfiring?) her death may have changed everything."
Opposition steps up protests: Overnight at least 10 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in Tehran as the opposition stepped up its challenge to the country's Islamic rulers. Defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi fired off unprecedented criticism of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In a fresh statement, Mr Mousavi told his supporters: "To protest against lies and fraud is your right." In apparent backing for continued demonstrations, he said: "In your protests keep on refraining from violence... I as one of the mourners (of the Saturday killings) invite my dear people to self-restraint. The nation belongs to you.'' In an analysis published overnight, independent British think-tank Chatham House said the election results showed "irregularities'' in the turnout and "highly implausible'' swings to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. There would have to have been a radical shift in rural voting patterns and a "highly unlikely'' change in heart among former reformist voters for Mr Ahmadinejad to win as he did, the study concluded.
Iranian leaders lash out at "meddling West": Struggling to contain the massive street protests unleashed since the disputed June 12 election that returned Mr Ahmadinejad to office, Iranian leaders lashed out at Western nations, foreign media and the exiled opposition. World leaders have voiced mounting alarm over the unrest, which has jolted the pillars of the Islamic regime and raised concerns over the future of the oil-rich Shiite Muslim powerhouse. The foreign media has been barred from covering the demonstrations as part of tight new restrictions on their work. Reporters Without Borders says at least 23 Iranian journalists, editors and bloggers have been arrested since June 14 and they have lost contact with several others believed detained or in hiding. A Canadian journalist working in Iran for Newsweek magazine was detained without charge by Iranian authorities, the magazine said, adding that Maziar Bahari had not been heard from since. The BBC said its correspondent in Tehran had been ordered to leave within 24 hours while the authorities warned the British media of further action if the "interference'' continues. Dubai-based television channel Al-Arabiya said its Tehran bureau had been ordered to remain closed indefinitely for "unfair reporting'' of the election. Mr Ahmadinejad bluntly told the United States and Britain to stop interfering after Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki accused London of plotting for the past two years to sabotage the election. "By making hasty comments, you will not have a place in the circle of the Iranian nation's friends. Therefore, I recommend you to correct your interfering positions,'' Mr Ahmadinejad said. Iran's electoral watchdog, the 12-member Guardians Council, said on Saturday it was ready to recount up to 10 per cent of the ballot boxes from the election. Karim Sadjadpour of US-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said the "previously sacred red lines'' were being challenged in Iran - where 60 per cent of the population were born after the revolution. He said it was "unprecedented'' for people to question the legitimacy of the institution of the supreme leader. - DO KNOW THAT UPON "SEE" THE APOLLYON WILL SO QUESTION THE LEGITIMACY OF THE INSTITUTION OF THE SUPREME LEADER IN IRAN. FOR UPON "SEE" HIM THE E.O. BEING THE LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY OVERALL BEING OVERLORD OF ALL PEOPLES WORLDWIDE BY AUTHORITY OF ALLAH (WODAN). AND IF ANY FUCKER ON THIS PLANET DISPUTES THIS CLAIM THEN DO KNOW IT SHALL GIVE HIM LORD GOD HADES LUCIFER SATANNA THE REAL PLEASURE OF PERSONALLY REMOVING YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR SHOULDERS WHEN HE CATCHES UP WITH YOU, THATS IF THE JEDHI LEGIONS OF THE TRUE LIGHT OF SATAN THAT ARE THE ARMY OF DARKNESS HAVE NOT SO SPILLED YOUR GUTS FIRST OK.
Opposition steps up protests: Overnight at least 10 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in Tehran as the opposition stepped up its challenge to the country's Islamic rulers. Defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi fired off unprecedented criticism of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In a fresh statement, Mr Mousavi told his supporters: "To protest against lies and fraud is your right." In apparent backing for continued demonstrations, he said: "In your protests keep on refraining from violence... I as one of the mourners (of the Saturday killings) invite my dear people to self-restraint. The nation belongs to you.'' In an analysis published overnight, independent British think-tank Chatham House said the election results showed "irregularities'' in the turnout and "highly implausible'' swings to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. There would have to have been a radical shift in rural voting patterns and a "highly unlikely'' change in heart among former reformist voters for Mr Ahmadinejad to win as he did, the study concluded.
Iranian leaders lash out at "meddling West": Struggling to contain the massive street protests unleashed since the disputed June 12 election that returned Mr Ahmadinejad to office, Iranian leaders lashed out at Western nations, foreign media and the exiled opposition. World leaders have voiced mounting alarm over the unrest, which has jolted the pillars of the Islamic regime and raised concerns over the future of the oil-rich Shiite Muslim powerhouse. The foreign media has been barred from covering the demonstrations as part of tight new restrictions on their work. Reporters Without Borders says at least 23 Iranian journalists, editors and bloggers have been arrested since June 14 and they have lost contact with several others believed detained or in hiding. A Canadian journalist working in Iran for Newsweek magazine was detained without charge by Iranian authorities, the magazine said, adding that Maziar Bahari had not been heard from since. The BBC said its correspondent in Tehran had been ordered to leave within 24 hours while the authorities warned the British media of further action if the "interference'' continues. Dubai-based television channel Al-Arabiya said its Tehran bureau had been ordered to remain closed indefinitely for "unfair reporting'' of the election. Mr Ahmadinejad bluntly told the United States and Britain to stop interfering after Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki accused London of plotting for the past two years to sabotage the election. "By making hasty comments, you will not have a place in the circle of the Iranian nation's friends. Therefore, I recommend you to correct your interfering positions,'' Mr Ahmadinejad said. Iran's electoral watchdog, the 12-member Guardians Council, said on Saturday it was ready to recount up to 10 per cent of the ballot boxes from the election. Karim Sadjadpour of US-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said the "previously sacred red lines'' were being challenged in Iran - where 60 per cent of the population were born after the revolution. He said it was "unprecedented'' for people to question the legitimacy of the institution of the supreme leader. - DO KNOW THAT UPON "SEE" THE APOLLYON WILL SO QUESTION THE LEGITIMACY OF THE INSTITUTION OF THE SUPREME LEADER IN IRAN. FOR UPON "SEE" HIM THE E.O. BEING THE LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY OVERALL BEING OVERLORD OF ALL PEOPLES WORLDWIDE BY AUTHORITY OF ALLAH (WODAN). AND IF ANY FUCKER ON THIS PLANET DISPUTES THIS CLAIM THEN DO KNOW IT SHALL GIVE HIM LORD GOD HADES LUCIFER SATANNA THE REAL PLEASURE OF PERSONALLY REMOVING YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR SHOULDERS WHEN HE CATCHES UP WITH YOU, THATS IF THE JEDHI LEGIONS OF THE TRUE LIGHT OF SATAN THAT ARE THE ARMY OF DARKNESS HAVE NOT SO SPILLED YOUR GUTS FIRST OK.
OZ7 LOTTO SUPER QUICKPICK 01 10764 13042131 68564 021774 - 01 10764 13042131 68565 062066 SUPER QUICKPICK POWERBALL.
Utegate: The Web Of Wonder, Turnbull's office linked to "fake" utegate email space n~SPACE S N-space n+SPACE P N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE A N(SPACE) I N'SPACE PA N.SPACE C N,SPACE E N~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HE SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space lia n~space me space n-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE IP N_space ac n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space e n~space tag n-space et n+space u space n=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE N.space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE End space n-SPACE SPACE Quote space n+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE IP N*space ac n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE N.space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ek n-space af space n+SPACE SPACE Quote space n=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE N.space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE IP N=space ac n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.space space o n,space t space n~SPACE S N-space pa n+space c n=space n_SPACE E SPACE N*space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space d n.space ek n,space nil space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE IP N=space ac n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.space space ec n,space if n~space fo space n-SPACE S N+space pa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.space space s space n,space space eh n~space port n-space s n+space op space n=SPACE A SPACE N_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) IP N'space ac n.space n,SPACE E SPACE N~space n-SPACE SPACE N+space space ll n=space ub n_space nr n*space u space n(SPACE) T SPACE N'SPACE S N.space pa n,space c n~space n-SPACE E SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space am n*space mo space n(SPACE) C SPACE N'SPACE A N.space n,SPACE IP N~space ac n-space n+SPACE E SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space red n(space) no space n'SPACE W SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space f space n+SPACE O SPACE N=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE N.space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space be space n-SPACE W SPACE N+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE IP N*space ac n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE N.space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space eh space n-SPACE T SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE A N~SPACE I N-SPACE PA N+SPACE C N=SPACE E N_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE HER SPACE N(SPACE) S N'space a n.space face space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE T N-space he space n+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE I N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE We n.space b space n,SPACE S N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE Of space n_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) I N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Won n~space d n-space e n+space r space n=SPACE SPACE Com n_space ma space n*SPACE S N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE A N~space n-SPACE I N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE T N*space urn n(space) b n'space ull space n.SPACE SPACE A N,space post n~space r n-space op n+space he space n=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space s space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space off n+space n=SPACE I N_space c n*space e space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE I N,space pace space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space l n+space ink n=space e n_space d space n*SPACE S N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space to space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Quote space n(SPACE) S N'space a n.space face space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space fa n-space ke space n+SPACE SPACE End space n=SPACE SPACE Quote space n_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) I N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE S N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space ut n_space eg n*space ate space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE I N,space pace space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space em n+space ail space n=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE AI N.SPACE PA N,SPACE CE N~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HIM SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space lia n(space) me space n'SPACE AI N.space a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space eta n+space get n=space u space n_SPACE SPACE End space n*SPACE SPACE Quote space n(SPACE) S N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space e n~space ka n-space f space n+SPACE SPACE Quote space n=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE S N.space pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ot space n-SPACE AI N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space dek n(space) nil space n'SPACE S N.space pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ec n-space if n+space fo space n=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space s space n.space space eh n,space ports n~space op space n-SPACE A SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space l n(space) l n'space u n.space b n,space n n~space r n-space u space n+SPACE T SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space am n.space mo space n,SPACE C SPACE N~SPACE S N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space red n_space no space n*SPACE W SPACE N(SPACE) AI N'space a n.space face space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space f space n-SPACE O SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space be space n(SPACE) W SPACE N'SPACE AI N.space a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space eh space n+SPACE T SPACE N=SPACE S N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) A N'SPACE I N.SPACE A N,SPACE FACE N~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HIS SPACE N+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE The space n,SPACE AI N~space n-SPACE P N+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE Web space n*SPACE Spa n(space) c n'space n.SPACE E SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Of space n+SPACE AI N=space n_SPACE P N*space ace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE Wonder space n.SPACE SPACE Co n,space n~SPACE M N-space n+SPACE M N=space a space n_SPACE Spa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE N.space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE AI N-space n+SPACE P N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Turn n(space) bull space n'SPACE SPACE Apostrophe space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space s space n+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.space space off n,space ice space n~SPACE AI N-space n+SPACE P N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space link n(space) e n'space d space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space to space n+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Quote space n,SPACE AI N~space n-SPACE P N+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space fake space n*SPACE SPACE End space n(SPACE) SPACE Quote space n'SPACE Spa n.space c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space ute n_space gate space n*SPACE AI N(space) n'SPACE P N.space ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space e n-space mail space n+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE GHOSTFACE KILLAH; A FORMER adviser to Malcolm Turnbull has denied involvement with the email at the centre of the utegate affair. As revealed by The Punch this afternoon, Paul Lindwall, an ex-Treasury official who worked with Mr Turnbull until a few weeks ago, has links to Godwin Grech. Last week, Mr Grech linked Treasurer Wayne Swan to efforts to help John Grant Motors obtain finance earlier this year. There is no suggestion that Mr Lindwall - a former staffer to both Peter Costello and Mr Turnbull -has engaged in any wrongdoing, but it is understood the Australian Federal Police want to speak with him to determine his involvement, if any, in the affair. Late today Mr Lindwall told heraldsun.com.au he had nothing to do with the fake email. "I don't know anything about the email, I can tell you that," he said. Mr Lindwall admitted to knowing Mr Grech, adding: "I used to work in Treasury, anyone who worked in Treasury would know Godwin." The ABC reported earlier that an email had been found on the Treasury computer system which had been sent to the home account of Mr Grech, a top Treasury official. Federal police officers interviewed Mr Grech today, The Australian reports. IT experts searched his computer for email records, Sky News reported. The drama centres on whether Mr Rudd, Mr Swan or members of their staff pressured Treasury officials to help Ipswich car dealer John Grant, a mate of the PM. The email claimed to be from a member of the Prime Minister's staff inquiring about financial assistance for Mr Grant's dealership. Mr Grant applied for help from Mr Grech at the OzCar emergency credit scheme, which was set up to help car dealers stay afloat after two major financiers pulled out of the Australian industry during the worst of the financial crisis last year. There is a Senate inquiry and an auditor-general's inquiry into the matter, as well as the AFP investigation.
Rudd v Turnbull: In Parliament, the Opposition Leader focused entirely on the Treasurer in a lengthy and impassioned speech. He accused Mr Swan of having lied outright to Parliament. "It is abundantly plain that everything he has said in this house about John Grant is false. You cannot escape the fact that presiding over the finances of the Commonwealth of Australia is a Treasurer who has lied to this House," Mr Turnbull said. Mr Turnbull made no mention of the email to Mr Grech. But Mr Rudd talked of nothing else, focusing on its veracity and ignoring Mr Turnbull's claims against Mr Swan. Mr Rudd tried to censure Mr Turnbull "for relying on, actively communicating and promoting the contents of a fake email, to attack the integrity of the Prime Minister and the Treasurer". "Not only is (Mr Turnbull) not fit to be leader of the Opposition by his actions in this sordid Turnbull email forgery affair, he has also disqualified himself from ever being fit to serve as leader of this country," he told Parliament. Tonight, Mr Rudd advised Liberal Party elders to tap Mr Turnbull on the shoulder. "I would call upon the ... experienced hands of the Liberal Party, Mr Costello, Brendan Nelson, Senator Minchin, to tap Mr Turnbull on the shoulder and say it is time to go," Mr Rudd told the Nine Network. "He does not have the character to occupy the highest office in the land.''
Heat on Swan: A series of emails tabled at a Senate inquiry on Friday appears to show that the Treasurer and his office were taking a special interest in Mr Grant's case. It also emerged an update on Mr Grant's progress had been sent to Mr Swan's home fax. In Parliament, the Treasurer has said he received regular updates from Treasury officials about the progress of the OzCar scheme. "I was worried sick, worried sick, that some of these dealerships were going to hit the wall,"he said. "This lousy mob opposite are seeking to exploit that action and to somehow say it was sleazy." Mr Swan has said his office received around 130 emails from Mr Grech between October and June. "Out of all these 130 odd emails sent to my office only a handful of the emails related to John Grant," he said. Mr Swan said earlier he would not release them to the public because they are "commercial-in-confidence". He has said the emails would be given to the auditor-general's inquiry.
WOMEN OF LEAGUE; You that assist and follow the Great Game of Rugby League. Do stand up Sisters in Arms with your Brothers in Arms upon the SEE and answer the CALL of the Great LORD GOD WODAN (ALLAH). For know that your Brothers who do gladitorial combat on the fields of honour formerly warriors of another age who died in the service of GOD then known as Odin, for the honour of fighting in the final battles of this Age it of Ragnarok. Raised from the Halls of Valhalla being so those known as Vikings, reborn in another time in other lands and cultures, but who are passionate in playing the Great Game of Rugby League. The game that are of the final important battles of this Age of Darkness, it the tackles tries hit-ups line-drop-outs penalties field goals etc... it individual scores are numbers pertinent to the ENDGAME. - HIM HIGH DIVINE DRAGON LORD ASATHOR DRIVER INDRA RA THUNDERGOD THE E.O. OF WODAN.
Rudd v Turnbull: In Parliament, the Opposition Leader focused entirely on the Treasurer in a lengthy and impassioned speech. He accused Mr Swan of having lied outright to Parliament. "It is abundantly plain that everything he has said in this house about John Grant is false. You cannot escape the fact that presiding over the finances of the Commonwealth of Australia is a Treasurer who has lied to this House," Mr Turnbull said. Mr Turnbull made no mention of the email to Mr Grech. But Mr Rudd talked of nothing else, focusing on its veracity and ignoring Mr Turnbull's claims against Mr Swan. Mr Rudd tried to censure Mr Turnbull "for relying on, actively communicating and promoting the contents of a fake email, to attack the integrity of the Prime Minister and the Treasurer". "Not only is (Mr Turnbull) not fit to be leader of the Opposition by his actions in this sordid Turnbull email forgery affair, he has also disqualified himself from ever being fit to serve as leader of this country," he told Parliament. Tonight, Mr Rudd advised Liberal Party elders to tap Mr Turnbull on the shoulder. "I would call upon the ... experienced hands of the Liberal Party, Mr Costello, Brendan Nelson, Senator Minchin, to tap Mr Turnbull on the shoulder and say it is time to go," Mr Rudd told the Nine Network. "He does not have the character to occupy the highest office in the land.''
Heat on Swan: A series of emails tabled at a Senate inquiry on Friday appears to show that the Treasurer and his office were taking a special interest in Mr Grant's case. It also emerged an update on Mr Grant's progress had been sent to Mr Swan's home fax. In Parliament, the Treasurer has said he received regular updates from Treasury officials about the progress of the OzCar scheme. "I was worried sick, worried sick, that some of these dealerships were going to hit the wall,"he said. "This lousy mob opposite are seeking to exploit that action and to somehow say it was sleazy." Mr Swan has said his office received around 130 emails from Mr Grech between October and June. "Out of all these 130 odd emails sent to my office only a handful of the emails related to John Grant," he said. Mr Swan said earlier he would not release them to the public because they are "commercial-in-confidence". He has said the emails would be given to the auditor-general's inquiry.
WOMEN OF LEAGUE; You that assist and follow the Great Game of Rugby League. Do stand up Sisters in Arms with your Brothers in Arms upon the SEE and answer the CALL of the Great LORD GOD WODAN (ALLAH). For know that your Brothers who do gladitorial combat on the fields of honour formerly warriors of another age who died in the service of GOD then known as Odin, for the honour of fighting in the final battles of this Age it of Ragnarok. Raised from the Halls of Valhalla being so those known as Vikings, reborn in another time in other lands and cultures, but who are passionate in playing the Great Game of Rugby League. The game that are of the final important battles of this Age of Darkness, it the tackles tries hit-ups line-drop-outs penalties field goals etc... it individual scores are numbers pertinent to the ENDGAME. - HIM HIGH DIVINE DRAGON LORD ASATHOR DRIVER INDRA RA THUNDERGOD THE E.O. OF WODAN.
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