Monday, June 15, 2009

A Sense of Porpoise Solstice Sunday space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(

A Sense of Porpoise Solstice Sunday space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE GOD SPACE N'SPACE S pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ya n-space d n+space nu space n=SPACE S SPACE N_SPACE AI N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE n,SPACE SPACE E N~space c n-space its n+space n=SPACE L N_space n*SPACE O SPACE N(space) n'SPACE S SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE E N=space s n_space n*SPACE I N(space) op n'space r n,SPACE O SPACE N~space n-SPACE P SPACE N+SPACE AI N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE F n,SPACE O SPACE N~space n-SPACE S N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE E N*space s n(space) n n'space n.SPACE E SPACE N,space n~SPACE S SPACE N-SPACE AI N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE A SPACE N(SPACE) S N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE A N~SPACE IP N-SPACE AC N-SPACE E N+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE ALLAH SPACE N_SPACE S N*space pa n(space) c n'space n.SPACE E SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE A SPACE N+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE IP N*space ac n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE S N-space en n+space se space n=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~space space of space n-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE IP N_space ac n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE P N~space n-SPACE O N+space r n=space n_SPACE P N*space n(SPACE) O N'space is n,SPACE E SPACE N~space n-SPACE S N+space pa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Sol n,space s n~space n-SPACE T N+space ice space n=SPACE A N_space n*SPACE IP N(space) ac n'space n.SPACE E SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE S N+space un n=space d n_space ay space n*SPACE S N(space) pa n'space c n,SPACE E SPACE N~space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE AI N=SPACE PACE N_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE ISIS SPACE N(SPACE) S N'space a face space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space y n-space ad n+space nu space n=SPACE S SPACE N_SPACE AI N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE E N,space c n~space it n-space s n+space n+SPACE L N=space n_SPACE O SPACE N*space n(SPACE) S SPACE N'SPACE S a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE E N=space s n_space n*SPACE I N(space) op n'space r n,SPACE O SPACE N~space n-SPACE P SPACE N+SPACE AI N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space n(SPACE) SPACE FO SPACE N'space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space es n+space ne space n=SPACE S SPACE N_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE A SPACE N,SPACE AI N~space pace space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE S N=SPACE P N_SPACE A N*SPACE C N(SPACE) E N'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE WODAN SPACE N,SPACE AI N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE A SPACE N_SPACE S N*space n(SPACE) P N'space n.SPACE A N,space n.SPACE C N,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space of space n_SPACE AI N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE P N,space or n~space n-SPACE P N+space n=SPACE O N_space is n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Solstice space n+SPACE S N=space n_SPACE P N*space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE C N,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE Sun n_space d n*space a n(space) y space n'SPACE AI a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE MAN N_SPACE KIND SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE: A Sense of Porpoise Solstice Sunday - Yes it shall be interesting if Stonehedge rocks glows or not upon it the night of Prince William's 27th Birthday, would that be not so Jonathan Cainer. Gee's mate if the Son of Diana & Charles is considered by you as being so Arthur then I must be fucking so Merlin, Son of Elly & Charles Henry as prophesised. Hell it be merry olde times around the round table for sure us we are Knights Templar upon return are JEDHI.

News: Member for Higgins Hon Peter Costello has announced on his website today that he will not be contesting the next federal election. He shall serve out his current term as a backbencher. This surprise announcement was made just before Parliament’s Question Time and brought rare bipartisan praise. - Hell yeah Peter, it shall soon be time when you can leave all the politics behind you for good and become so the 1st World Treasurer of the Amazon Rainbow Kingdom (ARK of WODAN). Where you be in direct Service to HIM the LORD, who not ever care for politics as it just BULLSHIT.

The supporters of Iran's defeated presidential candidate planned the rally in Tehran today to protest against the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which has sparked two days of violent protests in the capital. - Jesus Fucking Christ, Iran finally wells gets real democratic process happening and there be sore losers who not like the outcome of election. To my Brothers & Sisters of Iran who read this after the SEE, do note the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has so the full support of HIM the LORD, those that not like it result can bloody well FUCKOFF OK.

A MYSTERY woman who swam to Sir Richard Branson's private island convinced him to call a Sydney community radio station pleading for his help. FBi Radio, the largest community radio broadcaster in Australia, has been running an "Ask Richard" campaign to hit up the jet-setting entrepreneur for $1 million in emergency funding. - Hell yeah Sir Richard, you always be ready to give a helping hand to those who need it. I know you ready to give your LORD a hand seeing you are a member of GSPOTT.

ISRAELI PRIME minister Binyamin Netanyahu last night endorsed the two-state solution to the conflict with the Palestinians. His comments, in a much-anticipated policy speech at Tel Aviv’s Bar Ilan University, marked a significant policy shift for Mr Netanyahu who, since becoming prime minister earlier this year, had only hinted at implicit recognition for Palestinian statehood. - Jesus Fucking Christ Benny you sure like to stir the old pot don't you mate, oh you sure has well so put the cat among the pigeons with this BACKFLIP.

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) — Pakistani forces pounded militants in tribal areas Monday, after vowing an all-out assault on a Taliban chief in the lawless Afghan border region known to be an Al-Qaeda and rebel hideout. Security forces are already locked in a seven-week campaign against the insurgents in three other northwest districts, and late Sunday announced a "full-fledged" second front along the mountainous and wild tribal belt. - Hell yeah it's good to SEE Pakistani politicians having some balls tackling Taliban problem, it's a tough gig being on the FRONTLINE in the BIG GAME OF GOD. Know that it BULLSHIT will be soon over IT WORD OF GOD OK HIM ALLAH (WODAN).

Anyone who comes across these messages before it SEE will think it is just a load of crap if they not so in the KNOWING. Oh by the way all those SIKHS who think violence solve your differences think again, cause those who plotted and killed GURU the other month have truly eternally damned themselves. Know that to be the bloody TRUTH OK.



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