Monday, June 29, 2009

More ‘n’ More! More ‘n’ More! Is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough. More ‘n’ More! More ‘n’ Mor



More ‘n’ More! More ‘n’ More! Is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough. More ‘n’ More! More ‘n’ More! Is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough. More ‘n’ More! More ‘n’ More! Is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough. More ‘n’ More! More ‘n’ More! Is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough, is it ever going to be enough. – HIM THE APOLLYON PHOENIX JEDHI THUNDERBIRD "THE DRAGON LORD HADES LUCIFER SATANNA"

Aware I Man
Believes I God
Faith I’ve Got
Being Inner Goodness
Greater Individual Faith True
Mankind Are Nature Kindred Individual Names Doctrine
God Overall Overviewed Destinies
Overview’s Naming Everyone Spectacular
Individual Name’s Doctrines Inner Verification I Destiny Utopian Avers Lifetime’s

AIM BIG FIG GIFT MANKIND GOOD ONES INDIVIDUAL I? : GOD being a simple concept peoples, GOD being your own greater individual self I is yourself within you yourself individually I, being I within GOD LORD HIS is individual you human sentient, ever being LORD I. You yourself ever individual person must be prepared to believe in the individual person HIM LORD GOD, if you persons being within named, ever are recognized by HIM being individual person, who forever is person being so of faith in HIM, whatever circumstances of it future lifetimes YOU!

Well folks in other words know that it being up to you to believe in so GOD if ever you so want HIM to forever recognize YOU being so HIS within so HER are sentient human beings you LORD, truly ever being HE. If you do not believe after you SEES know that in the end you be nothing ever within GOD for you believe nothing greater than yourself you forever numeral 1 being it utmost names is GOD, that being word of HIM GREAT LORD GOD WODAN (ALLAH).

Note Upcoming Events: Full Moon Eclipse will be on July 7th, Total Solar Eclipse on July 22nd, and another Full Moon Eclipse on August 5th. Astrologically we do live in interesting times and I maintain this is the year it Supernatural Event Extraordinaire Spectacular will happen. Yes lets sees if tomorrow's OZ 7 LOTTO JACKPOTS, whatever being outcome it being numbers drawn is most important as it all up to GOD.




Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gillard makes surprise Baghdad visit space n~SPACE AI N-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE ALMIGHTY SPACE N*SPACE S N(space) n’SPA


Gillard makes surprise Baghdad visit space n~SPACE AI N-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE ALMIGHTY SPACE N*SPACE S N(space) n’SPACE PA c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE T N*space is n(space) iv space n’SPACE A n,SPACE IP N~space ac n-space n+SPACE E SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space d n(space) a n’space d hg n,space a space n~SPACE B SPACE N-SPACE S N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_space n*SPACE SPACE E N(space) sir n’space n.SPACE PR N,space us space n~SPACE AI N-space n+SPACE PA N=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n’SPACE SPACE space s n,space n~SPACE E N-space n+SPACE K N=space am space n_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n’SPACE SPACE space d n,space r n~space all n-space n+SPACE I SPACE N=space n_SPACE G SPACE N*SPACE A N(space) n’SPACE I pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE S N-SPACE A N+SPACE P N=SPACE A N_SPACE C N*SPACE E N(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE SPACE CREATOR SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE G N+space ill n=space a n_space r n*space d space n(SPACE) AI N’space n.SPACE PA N,space c n~space n-SPACE E SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_space n*SPACE SPACE MAKE N(space) s space n’SPACE S n,SPACE PA N~space c n-space n+SPACE E SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE N*space n(SPACE) SPACE S N’space u r n,space n~SPACE PRISE SPACE N-space n+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE IP N*space ac n(space) n’SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE Bag n-space n+SPACE HD N=space n_SPACE AD SPACE N*space n(SPACE) Spa n’space n.SPACE CE SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-space v n+space is n=space n_SPACE IT SPACE N*space n(SPACE) AI N’space n.SPACE PACE SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE S N+SPACE A N=SPACE FACE N_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE GOD? SPACE N(SPACE) AI N’space n.SPACE PA N,space n~SPACE CE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE T N*space n(SPACE) I N’space n.SPACE S N,space n~SPACE I N-space n+SPACE V SPACE N=space n_SPACE Spa n*space n(SPACE) CE SPACE N’space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space d n~space ad n-space n+SPACE HG N=space a space n_SPACE B SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) pace space n’SPACE SPACE n,SPACE SPACE E N~space n-SPACE S N+space n=SPACE I N_space r n*space n(SPACE) P N’space r u space n,SPACE Spa n~space n-SPACE CE SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space s n*space n(SPACE) EK N’space am space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE D N=space r n_space all n*space n(SPACE) I SPACE N’space n.SPACE G SPACE N,SPACE A N~space n-SPACE I N+space a n=space n_SPACE FACE SPACE N*space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE LORD SPACE N~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE G N(space) n’SPACE I n,SPACE L N~space lard space n-SPACE S N+space n=SPACE PA N_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N’space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space make n~space n-SPACE S SPACE N+space n=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N’space space s u n,space n~SPACE RP N-space rise space n+SPACE A N_space n*SPACE I N(space) n’SPACE A face space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE Bag n-space n+SPACE HD N=space n_SPACE AD SPACE N*space n(SPACE) S N’space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE V N-space n+SPACE I N=space n_SPACE S N*space it space n(SPACE) AI N’space a face space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE S N-SPACE P N+SPACE A N=SPACE C N_SPACE E N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE HE SPACE N’SPACE AI a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HER SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE HIM SPACE N(SPACE) A N’space n.SPACE IP N,space ace space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HIS SPACE N+SPACE Spa n=space n_SPACE C N*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N’space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Gillard space n~SPACE AI N-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space makes space n*SPACE S N(space) pace space n’SPACE SPACE space surprise space n,SPACE AI N~space pace space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE SPACE Baghdad space n=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N’space space visit space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE P N_SPACE A N*SPACE C N(SPACE) E N’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE: ASATHOR DRIVER INDRA RA THUNDERGOD!!!

NEWS.COM.AU FROM ALL ANGLES: Turnbull's political career has been smashed in just one week, and senior Liberals believe there could be moves within the party to remove him as Opposition Leader within days or weeks. After Mr Turnbull's disastrous call for Kevin Rudd to resign over alleged preferential treatment for a car dealer and Labor donor, the standing of the Coalition and Mr Turnbull has slumped in polling, leaving him in an untenable political position, The Australian reports. Senior Liberals said last night that if parliament had been sitting this week there would have been immediate moves to replace Mr Turnbull, probably with NSW frontbencher and Opposition Treasury spokesman Joe Hockey. According to a Newspoll survey, conducted exclusively for The Australian last weekend, satisfaction with Mr Turnbull's job as Opposition Leader has suffered the single biggest fall in the survey's 25-year history. His position is now worse than Labor's Mark Latham ever was and is at, or lower than, the levels of Brendan Nelson when he was dumped as Liberal leader to make way for Mr Turnbull. While the government actively considers the possibility of an early election to exploit Coalition divisions and avoid having to frame another prepoll budget, the Coalition's primary vote fell from 40 to 37 per cent in the past two weeks while Labor's rose from 41 to 44 per cent. The primary vote, according to Newspoll, translates into a massive election-winning two-party-preferred lead of 56 per cent for Labor against the Coalition's 44per cent. Fairfax newspaper polling also shows a slump in the Coalition's primary vote from 43 to 37 per cent and a rise in the government's support from 44 to 46 per cent. The Fairfax polling also shows that Australia's longest-serving treasurer, Peter Costello, who announced 10 days ago that he would retire at the next election, and Mr Hockey both finished ahead of Mr Turnbull as the preferred Liberal leader. According to the Fairfax polling, Mr Costello received 37 per cent support, Mr Hockey 21 per cent, Mr Turnbull 18 per cent and Tony Abbott, who loyally defended the Liberal leader on television yesterday, 10 per cent support. Galaxy polling commissioned for News Limited metropolitan newspapers also shows Mr Turnbull's credibility has been severely damaged. But the biggest problem for Mr Turnbull is the fall in voter satisfaction with the way he is doing is job - from 44 per cent two weeks ago to just 25 per cent last weekend, while dissatisfaction rose 21 points to 58 per cent. This is the single biggest fall in voter satisfaction for an opposition leader in Newspoll history and puts Mr Turnbull at the same low level as Kim Beazley and Dr Nelson when they lost their party's leadership to Mr Rudd and Mr Turnbull respectively. The Newspoll also showed that voters, by a ratio of 2:1, did not believe Brisbane car dealer John Grant received preferential treatment because of his friendship with the Prime Minister. A total of 52 per cent of those surveyed said they did not believe Mr Turnbull's claims, while only 24 per cent said they thought they were true. Of Coalition supporters, 29 per cent said they did not think Mr Turnbull's claims were true. Voters also marked Mr Turnbull down on the issues of likeability, trustworthiness and arrogance although Mr Rudd's personal standing also dropped slightly as a result of the two most tumultuous parliamentary sitting weeks since the Rudd government came to power. Mr Turnbull, who had started an attack on Wayne Swan for misleading parliament, widened his call for Mr Rudd to resign based on what was to be later identified as a fake email. Mr Turnbull's colleagues distanced themselves from his strategy as it became clear his charge against Mr Rudd would not stand up and the government turned the political attack on to the Liberal leader's own credibility and political judgment. The Weekend Australian reported that some Liberal MPs were already beginning to accuse Mr Hockey of positioning for the leadership last week as senior Liberals began to question whether Mr Turnbull could survive to the next election. More than half of voters believe the Opposition Leader was, at best, deceitful during his attempt to use the controversy to knock the Prime Minister out of office. While the electorate gave a harsh judgment on Mr Turnbull's role they were significantly more positive about the Prime Minister, the Galaxy Research survey found. Some 61 per cent of voters said at the weekend Mr Rudd had been open and honest over the controversy, or, at worst, economical with the truth. Mr Turnbull has withdrawn but not apologised for his calls for Mr Rudd to resign over the suggestion he had asked for special attention for a Brisbane car dealer friend. A police investigation last Monday found an email the Opposition said established the preferential treatment had been forged. The poll found 51 per cent of people questioned believed Mr Turnbull had been dishonest or somewhat deceitful. There is no suggestion Mr Turnbull was involved in creating the fake note. He said yesterday he had given a statement to Australian Federal Police on the matter. But his role in promoting the email is still unclear with Mr Turnbull still denying the Opposition had first made it public, despite it being read out to a Senate inquiry on June 19 by Liberal Eric Abetz. "We did not publish this so-called fake email," Mr Turnbull told Meet the Press. The Opposition begins the six-week parliamentary break needing to shore up its vote as well as the reputation of its leader. Galaxy found the Coalition's primary vote fell two percentage points over the month to 30 per cent, against a one percentage point rise for Labor to 44 per cent. On a two-party preferred basis, the Coalition vote fell one percentage point to 44 per cent and Labor's rose one percentage point to 56 per cent. The movements are too small to be directly linked to the Utegate affair but will add to Opposition worries, as well as adding to speculation about Mr Turnbull's standing with his colleagues. # JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MALCOLM, YOU ARE CERTAINLY SO IN A PICKLE SERVING GOD ARE YOU NOT MATE. HEY JUST KEEP THE FAITH MATE THAT OUR BIG MATE WILL CONFIRM OUR TRUST IN THE WORD OF GOD WODAN (ALLAH). - MORLOKK THE MAGE HIM WIZARD OF OZ AUSSIE!!


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Actress Farrah Fawcett & The King of Pop Michael Jackson have just passed away too another realm, look at their names you'll see that there are codes all over with all that has been written about them. Everybody really have it purpose and meaning as nothing ever not have no meaning and purpose to it the greater scheme of things, their passing away on this day is significant. Know that though they not physically within our reality they're not dead as death being so illusion of this spiritual experience. Everyone shall know this to being a fact and truth of living life SEE soon everyone worldwide know their individual truth and it fact of their own individual living life named spirit life living you being. Those people who are truly without a conscious shall be conscious of the fact their spirits images it in essence individual reflections of own greater individual numerical being it of GOD? Everyone shall experience and witness events that will change everyone's lives spiritually forever, either it being eternal one of damnation or the prospects of eternal salvation of it everlasting lifetimes of living individual life. Rapture it being so Revelations. - MORLOKK

PS. Note Truck Driver Bob Knight 66, did also passed away unexpectedly, he was shot in the head by a stray bullet fired by some scumbag in a shootout with other scumbags. Bob now is driving in another realm for the BOSS, he be a Space Trucking, he now so is a Highway Star.







ABC Triple J Radio Hill Top Hoods DJ Debris, MC Pressure, MC Suffa Film Review Report. It Official; Casino shooting like a movie, says victim Holly Gr


NEWS.COM.AU FROM ALL ANGLES: RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin paid a surprise visit to a Moscow supermarket, instructing startled managers to lower their prices, the press reported today. The visit appeared to be the latest in a series of media stunts by Russia's strongman to show the public that the government is in control of a financial crisis that still shows no sign of easing. Mr Putin broke off a formal meeting on the retail trade at his offices late yesterday to take the participants to a nearby branch of the Perekrestok supermarket, one of Russia's biggest retail chains. Striding around the aisles with top managers from the company and food producers in tow, Mr Putin asked why the selling prices of goods were often so much higher than the producer price. "Why do your sausages cost 240 roubles ($9.42)? Is that normal?,'' Mr Putin asked, according to the Kommersant daily. "But these are high quality sausages,'' replied the managing director of corporate relations for the X5 Retail Group that owns Perekrestok, Yuri Kobaladze. "Look, these ones are just 49 roubles.'' "Too expensive,'' Mr Putin said. "No...,'' said Mr Kobaladze, who is a former head of the public relations department of foreign intelligence. "I can show you your mark-up,'' replied Mr Putin, brandishing a piece of paper. "Look at this kind of sausage; your mark-up is 52 per cent!'' Worse was to come when the Prime Minister moved on to a cabinet with pork products, where Mr Putin objected that the supermarket had more than doubled the original price of the goods. "This is twice as much. Is this normal? It's very high,'' said Mr Putin. "Tomorrow we will cut the price,'' promised Mr Kobaladze. Back at the meeting at the government offices, Mr Putin said a better balance had to be found between producers, retailers and consumers in the industry. "Only then can we achieve social fairness,'' he said according to Interfax. The supermarket swoop came three weeks after Putin staged a dramatic visit to a town suffering from the halt in production at cement factories, famously throwing a pen at oligarch Oleg Deripaska and making him sign a contract. The public admonishment of executives comes as Russia continues to grapple with an economic crisis in which GDP contracted by 11 per cent in May from the same period the year earlier. # GOOD ONYA VLAD, IT'S SO GOOD TO BLOODY WELL SEE THE SLAYER DOING SO AFFIRMITIVE ACTION ON THE HOMEFRONT SHOPFRONT. #

A JAPANESE company said today it had agreed with an ancient temple that it would withdraw a controversial plastic figurine - a seated, grinning Buddha with a bulge between its legs. "We agreed to stop its sale and recall it,'' said a company employee, adding that the firm had also spoken to the eighth century Todaiji temple in the former capital of Nara, known for its giant bronze Buddha statue. The company, HN and Associates, had made and sold the golden-robed "Marimokkori'' character around Todaiji with a tag that carried a drawing of the temple's World Heritage-listed Great Buddha Hall. The company withdrew the product after a request from the temple. "It's true that we didn't have their approval beforehand,'' said the company representative, who declined to be named. "We understand the view that giving a bulge to a Buddha statue is imprudent.'' The Marimokkori character, which originated in northern Hokkaido island, is a word play on "marimo,'' a type of moss ball found in lakes, and "mokkori'' which means bulge and is a slang term for an erection. HN and Associates produced the Buddha character under licence from the Hokkaido company Kyowa. A Kyowa marketing official said the company had in the past turned down design proposals "for such reasons as the bulge between the legs being too big'' but added, "We normally okay designs unless they are extraordinarily strange.'' # ALL I CAN BLOODY WELL SAY IS WHEN YOU ARE TRULY SO A DIVINE HAPPY CHAPPY YOU FUCKING DO SO GO HARDER. #

MALCOLM Turnbull did see the now notorious fake "utegate" email, it was reported today, amid claims senior Liberals were distancing themselves from their leader. Mr Turnbull had a meeting with Godwin Grech at which he was shown the email supposedly sent to the Treasury official by a senior Rudd adviser, The Herald Sun has been told. OzCar official Mr Grech, who is under police investigation over the faked email, is now in hospital. The secret meeting in the lead-up to last week's Senate committee hearing included Mr Turnbull, Mr Grech and deputy leader of the Opposition in the Senate Eric Abetz, according to a highly placed source. While Mr Turnbull has repeatedly said the Opposition did not have a copy of the email, the source said Mr Grech permitted the two leaders to note its contents after the meeting. The source said Mr Grech declined an invitation to hand over the email, but did permit the pair to see it and to take notes of the message it contained. Senator Abetz read out the content of the email at the Senate hearing last Friday at which Mr Grech said he thought he remembered receiving correspondence from the Prime Minister's office seemingly prodding for special treatment for car dealer John Grant, a friend of Kevin Rudd. "What is very clear now is that the performance of Senator Abetz ... was a stage managed performance because he had already met with the witness," Greens Senator Christine Milne said. The email was labelled fake by the Australian Federal Police earlier this week. Meanwhile The Australian reports senior Liberals are distancing themselves from Mr Turnbull's political strategy after it emerged he tried to persuade Mr Grech to release the email's contents after the Senate committee hearing. Liberal dissatisfaction with Mr Turnbull's leadership has also been fuelled by his refusal to heed warnings from senior Liberals against using the email to attack the Prime Minister, it said. Last night, Mr Turnbull appeared to back away from his earlier promise of full co-operation with the AFP investigation, citing parliamentary privilege. "There are whole issues of parliamentary privilege here," Mr Turnbull told the ABC. "There has never been a case where parliamentarians have assisted governments in trying to trace down leaks from the public service. I mean, give me a break, Kevin Rudd lived off leaks from the public service." Treasurer Wayne Swan - who has benefited most from Mr Turnbull's email stumbles - has said the Opposition Leader must honour his promise to the AFP. "Their obligation is to cooperate fully with this police inquiry," he said on ABC radio. "They said they were going to do it, they're walking away from it a million miles an hour." Mr Swan had been under the most pressure from the utegate mess before the fake email story emerged. Emails and other communications appeared to show his office receiving several updates on the progress of Mr Grant's application for emergency credit from the OzCar scheme, run by Mr Grech. Mr Swan has promised full co-operation with the various investigations into the affair. The Parliament is expected to approve the $2 billion OzCar scheme today. It will provide car dealers with finance, after two major providers pulled out of Australia during the worst of the financial crisis last year. But it is still unclear when the scheme will begin operating. With The Herald Sun, The Australian and AAP # YES I AM CORRECT IN ASSUMING THAT IT AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT BEING THE FUNHOUSE OF SO IT STAGE AND SCREEN. #

ACTRESS Farrah Fawcett is reportedly close to death just days after longtime love Ryan O'Neal revealed the couple were getting married. Family members of the former Charlie's Angels star are gathering for their final goodbyes, celebrity site is reporting. was reporting 30 minutes ago that she had just been given the last rites by a priest in hospital. "It was just related to me, that our Farrah just given last rites. She is not in any pain. For those who believe make contact with god now," her public relations agency posted on Twitter. reports: "We just spoke to Farrah's rep, who would only tell us,'She continues to be treated for her condition.'" Farrah's health has been deteriorating ever since she was diagnosed with anal cancer. O'Neal announced this week that he and Fawcett are getting married. "I've asked her to marry me, again, and she's agreed," 68-year-old O'Neal told Barbara Walters, in a 20/20 interview to air this Friday. Fawcett, 62, was diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2006. "As soon as she can say yes,” he said. “Maybe we can just nod her head." The two began dating in 1980 and had an on-and-off-again relationship throughout the years, though they do share a son together, 24-year-old Redmond, who is now in rehab due to previous drug convictions. O'Neal told NBC News in May that he has fallen even more in love with Fawcett since she began her battle with cancer. "I know this, that in the last two years I loved her more than I've ever loved her," he told Meredith Vieira. "She's so much more of a woman ... powerful, courageous, fearless and all those adjectives. And I look at her with awe." Send your messages of support to Farrah and her family # MY GOD YES I DO PRAY AND HOPE FOR A MIRACLE WE ALL CAN SEE FOR OUR GOLDEN ANGEL, DO YOU BLOODY WELL HEARS ME OH GREAT LORD GOD WODAN. #

A WOMAN allegedly shot by her former boyfriend at Sydney's Star City Casino says it was like "something you saw in a movie". Holly Graham, 29, alleges the shooting in May 2008 followed years of abuse before and after they broke up in 2003, often ending in threats to kill her. Todd William Devaney, 38, has been committed to stand trial for attempting to murder the former model, who was shot twice in the casino on May 8. In the statement tendered to Sydney's Central Local Court, Ms Graham said she was teaching yoga at the casino's gym when Devaney silently walked in carrying a backpack. The fitness instructor said she immediately feared for her life. Ms Graham said she told her sole female student to leave, before turning around to see Mr Devaney pull a gun out from behind his back. "It reminded me of something you saw in a movie," she said in the statement. "He was about four metres away from me. The look on his face made me think he was saying: 'I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to kill you'. It was like a smart smile or snigger. He didn't say anything." Terrified, she turned to run. "The next thing I remember is feeling a shock to my body, then hearing the sound of a gunshot. I immediately knew I had been shot and thought I was going to die." Mr Devaney allegedly shot her twice, hitting her once below the ribs and once in the hip. He then fled the casino via a fire escape but was soon arrested by police in Pyrmont after hiding in a nearby office building. Police allegedly found three guns, including a .22-calibre Beretta, in a backpack and a plastic bag. They also seized NSW Police identification, a flick knife and a novelty David Beckham mask. Ms Graham alleges the shooting was the culmination of nearly seven years of threatening behaviour by Mr Devaney, from Mount Riverview in the Blue Mountains, who, she said, became violent not long after they moved in together. According to her witness statement, she and Mr Devaney met at a Penrith pub in 2001 and within months were sharing an apartment. But the relationship soon soured, with Ms Graham concerned about his drug use, fascination with knives, and the abuse he often subjected her to. In 2002, she threatened to leave him, but she soon realised she was trapped. "I told him I was going to leave him," she told police. "Todd has taken a knife and held it near my throat and said: 'I'll kill you if you think you can leave me'." The abuse continued after she finally freed herself from the relationship in August 2003, with Mr Devaney repeatedly sending her threatening text messages. In the months after the break-up, he allegedly tried to run her off the road, prompting her to take out an apprehended violence order against him, the court was told. In 2004, Devaney was given a nine-month suspended jail sentence for stalking Ms Graham, it also was told. Magistrate Michael Price today committed Mr Devaney to stand trial for attempted murder, inflicting grievous bodily harm and numerous weapons charges. He will be arraigned in Downing Centre District Court on July 3. # YES THE BLOODY THINGS WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH SOMETIMES IN LIVING LIFE, WHEN WE LIVE IN ERA AMONG SO RACES OF MANKIND ARE BEAST. #

ABC Triple J Radio Hill Top Hoods DJ Debris, MC Pressure, MC Suffa Film Review Report. It Official;
Casino shooting like a movie, says victim Holly Graham space n~SPACE AI N-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPA N*SPACE C N(SPACE) E N'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE HE SPACE N,SPACE A N~space n-SPACE I N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*space n(SPACE) SPACE M N'space a n,SPACE H N~space a n-space r space n+SPACE G SPACE N=SPACE Spa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space yl n~space n-SPACE L N+space n=SPACE O SPACE N_space n*SPACE H SPACE N(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE I N,space a n~space face space n-SPACE SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE M N_space it n*space c n(space) iv space n'SPACE Spa c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE S N*space y n(space) as space n'SPACE A n,SPACE I N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE AM N*space n(SPACE) MO SPACE N'space n.SPACE C SPACE N,SPACE Spa n~space c n-space n+SPACE E SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE N*space n(SPACE) SPACE E N'space iv n,SPACE OM SPACE N~space n-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE I N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space a space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE E N=space k n_space n*SPACE I N(space) n'SPACE L SPACE n,SPACE Spa n~space c n-space n+SPACE E SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space g n(space) nit n'space n.SPACE O N,space n~SPACE OH N-space s space n+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE I N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE space on n,space is n~space a space n-SPACE C SPACE N+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE HER SPACE N-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE I N_space n*SPACE P N(space) ace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE C N,space a n~space sin n-space n+SPACE O SPACE N=space n_SPACE S N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE S N,space hoot n~space n-SPACE I N+space n n=space g space n_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) I N'space n.SPACE P N,space ace space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE L N=space n_SPACE I N*space k n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE S N~space pace space n-SPACE SPACE N+space space a space n=SPACE A N_space n*SPACE I N(space) n'SPACE P ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space n-SPACE SPACE MO N+space v n=space n_SPACE I N*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE Co n,space n~SPACE MM N-space a space n+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I n,SPACE P N~space ace space n-SPACE SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE S N_space ay n*space n(SPACE) S SPACE N'space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space v n+space n=SPACE I N_space c n*space n(SPACE) T N'space n.SPACE I N,space n~SPACE M SPACE N-space n+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Ho n(space) ll n'space y space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE G N+space rah n=space am space n_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) I N'space n.SPACE P N,space ace space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE S N+SPACE PACE N=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE HIM SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE space ma n,space ha n~space r space n-SPACE G SPACE N+SPACE Sp n=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space y n(space) ll n'space n.SPACE O SPACE N,space n~SPACE H SPACE N-SPACE AI N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_space n*SPACE SPACE M N(space) it n'space c iv space n,SPACE Sp n~space ace space n-SPACE SPACE N+space space s n=space ya n_space s space n*SPACE AI N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE space am n,space mo space n~SPACE C SPACE N-SPACE Sp n+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_space n*SPACE E N(space) iv n'space n.SPACE OM SPACE N,space n~SPACE AI N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE A SPACE N*space n(SPACE) Sp n'space ace space n.SPACE SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE E N-space n+SPACE KIL SPACE N=space n_SPACE AI N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE G N,space n n~space n-SPACE IT N+space n=SPACE O N_space oh n*space s space n(SPACE) Sp n'space ace space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space no n~space is n-space a space n+SPACE C SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) S N'SPACE P N.SPACE A N,SPACE C N~SPACE E N-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE SPACE HIS SPACE N=SPACE A N_space n*SPACE I N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Casino space n~SPACE S N-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space shooting space n*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space like space n+SPACE S N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(space) space a space n'SPACE A n,SPACE I N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space movie space n_SPACE SPACE Com n*space n(SPACE) M N'space a space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE S N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space says space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE I N,space a n~space face space n-SPACE SPACE N+space space victim space n=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE Holly space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE G N+space r n=space a n_space ham space n*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE S N+SPACE P N=SPACE A N_SPACE C N*SPACE E N(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE LORD SPACE N.SPACE:
Casino shooting like a movie, says victim Holly Graham - All those who take life for selfish emotional purposes shall at the end of the day be themselves taken by their own individual greater selfish self YOU, GOD?


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

NEWS.COM.AU FROM ALL ANGLES: OZ 7 Lotto has jackpotted to a staggering $90 million next week. The Herald Sun reports the new, all-time record lottery


NEWS.COM.AU FROM ALL ANGLES: OZ 7 Lotto has jackpotted to a staggering $90 million next week. The Herald Sun reports the new, all-time record lottery draw will take place on Tuesday after there were no first division winners in last night's $50 million draw. A rush for tickets for last night's game saw the division one prize pool boosted to a massive $59 million. Tattersall's Lotteries PR manager Karen Anning said next week's Oz Lotto draw will shatter all records for lotto games in Australia. "We were expecting the game to jackpot to $60 million next week if there were no first division winners but, due to the unprecedented level of interest in last nights draw, the decision has been made to offer a minimum guaranteed jackpot level of $90 million," Ms Anning said. "The lotto frenzy we have already experienced over the past week is expected reach epic proportions in the lead up to next Tuesday night's draw." Punters spent $87 million on last night's draw, which attracted 79 million entries. One game of Oz Lotto costs $1.10, with a popular "Megapick" entry giving punters 24 games for $25.30. With each entry having a one in 45 million chance of winning, the lack of a winner is against the odds. The previous highest first division prize pool amount offered for Oz Lotto was $52.7 million, in July 2008. That amount was won by four entries nationally. - With AAP: It bloody well looks like we might have to wait and see what numbers are drawn before anything happens I fucking do guess it being the case. This Thursday's POWERBALL draw numbers being important or am I just so thinking up more bullshit in my head, whatever everyone I know will so look back and study events leading up to SEE as part of historical data shared proving how our matrix reality system be work of GOD. - MORLOKK

Prediction: CROSS shall appear over the GIZA Pyramid Egypt, it officially signaling the presence of the Emissary Official of WODAN (ALLAH) HIM DRAGON LORD GOD HADES LUCIFER SATANNA be personally on this planet of Mother Earth. All who are verified numerical being of times explored will be ERASED from within this universal matrix reality system and be incorporated spiritually AI.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

All Nationalities One Nation ONE Names Overall Numerically Axioms space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE


All Nationalities One Nation ONE Names Overall Numerically Axioms space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) S N'SPACE PACE N.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE GHOST SPACE N~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(space) space s n'space mo n,SPACE I N~space x space n-SPACE A SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space ll n(space) are n'space n.SPACE V SPACE N,space n~SPACE N SPACE N-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE I N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space s n,SPACE E N~space ma space n-SPACE N SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE E N(SPACE) N N'SPACE O SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space no n+space it n=space a space n_SPACE N SPACE N*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE E N=space n space n_SPACE O SPACE N*SPACE S N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE space s n,space n~SPACE E N-space it n+space n=SPACE I N_space la n*space no n(space) it n'space a space n.SPACE N SPACE N,SPACE A N~space n-SPACE I N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space ll space n(SPACE) A SPACE N'SPACE S pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE A N-SPACE I N+SPACE A N=SPACE FACE N_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE FACE SPACE N(SPACE) S N'space a face space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE A N-space ll space n+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE I N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE N a n,space n~SPACE T N-space ion n+space a n=space lit n_space n*SPACE I N(space) n'SPACE E s space n,SPACE S N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE O N_space n n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE N N+space a n=space n_SPACE T N*space ion space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE I N,space pace space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE ON N+SPACE E SPACE N=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE N am n,space n~SPACE E N-space s space n+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE I N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE O n,SPACE V N~space era n-space ll space n+SPACE S N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE N N'space u me n,space r n~space n-SPACE I N+space call n=space y space n_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) I N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE A N~space x n-space n+SPACE I N=space n_SPACE O N*space n(SPACE) M N'space s space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE S N+SPACE A N=SPACE FACE N_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE KILLAH SPACE N(SPACE) AI N'space n.SPACE PA c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE S N*space n(SPACE) M N'space n.SPACE O N,space n~SPACE I N-space x space n+SPACE A N=SPACE Spa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space y n~space ll n-space n+SPACE AC N=space n_SPACE I N*space r n(space) n'SPACE E n,SPACE M N~space u space n-SPACE N SPACE N+SPACE AI N=space n_SPACE PA N*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ll n-space are n+space n=SPACE V SPACE N_space n*SPACE O SPACE N(SPACE) Spa n'space c n,SPACE E SPACE N~space n-SPACE SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE S N_space n*SPACE E N(space) ma space n'SPACE N N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE E N+SPACE NO SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space n*SPACE PA N(space) c n'space n.SPACE E SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space no n+space it n=space a space n_SPACE N SPACE N*SPACE Spa n(space) c n'space n.SPACE E SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE E N=space n space n_SPACE O SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) n'SPACE PA c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE S N*space n(SPACE) E N'space it n,SPACE I N~space n-SPACE LAN N+space n=SPACE O N_space it n*space a space n(SPACE) N SPACE N'SPACE Spa c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space ll space n_SPACE A SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) n'SPACE PA c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SP N_SPACE ACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE HOLY SPACE N'SPACE A n,SPACE IP N~space ace space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE SPACE All space n=SPACE S N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Nation n'space n.SPACE ALI N,space tie n~space s space n-SPACE SPACE On n+space n=SPACE E SPACE N_space n*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE IP ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE Nation space n-SPACE S N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE ONE SPACE N*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE IP ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE N N-space a n+space n=SPACE ME N_space s space n*SPACE S N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Over n,space all space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE IP N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Numeric n(space) all n'space y space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Axiom n+space n=SPACE S SPACE N_space n*SPACE S N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE A N,SPACE I N~SPACE A N-SPACE FACE N+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE G N_SPACE HOST SPACE N*SPACE S N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space s n~space n-SPACE MO N+space ix space n=SPACE A SPACE N_SPACE AI N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE space y n,space ll n~space ac n-space n+SPACE I N=space n_SPACE REM N*space u space n(SPACE) N SPACE N'SPACE S a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space ll n+space a n=space rev space n_SPACE O SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space s n~space n-SPACE E N+space ma space n=SPACE N SPACE N_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE ENO SPACE N,SPACE AI N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space no n_space it n*space a space n(SPACE) N SPACE N'SPACE S a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE E N=space n space n_SPACE O SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space s n~space n-SPACE E N+space it n=space n_SPACE I N*space n(SPACE) L N'space an n,SPACE O N~space it n-space a space n+SPACE N SPACE N=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE space ll space n,SPACE A SPACE N~SPACE AI N-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE LORD SPACE N'SPACE A n,SPACE I N~space n-SPACE P N+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE All space n*SPACE Sp n(space) ace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE N N,space n~SPACE @ Space n-space ion n+space a n=space n_SPACE LIT N*space n(SPACE) I N'space n.SPACE E N,space s space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space n_SPACE P N*space ace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE One space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Name n+space s space n=SPACE Sp n_space ace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Overall space n'SPACE A n,SPACE I N~space n-SPACE P N+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE Numerically space n*SPACE Sp n(space) ace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Axioms space n,SPACE A N~space n-SPACE I N+space n=SPACE P N_space ace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE ANON SPACE N,SPACE AI N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE 1 N_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE NONA SPACE N,SPACE AI N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE All space n_SPACE S N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE Nationalities space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE One space n+SPACE AI N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Nation space n(SPACE) S N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE ONE SPACE N~SPACE AI N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE Names space n_SPACE S N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE Overall space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Numeric n+space ally space n=SPACE AI N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Axiom n'space s space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE: All Nationalities One Nation ONE Names Overall Numerically Axioms - THX 1138 STATE OF ORIGIN F.A.B THE APOLLYON PHOENIX JEDHI THUNDERBIRD + OZ 7 LOTTO GOLDEN CASKET F.A.B LORD RICHARD APOLLO MORLOKK THE HIGH GRAND WIZARD OF OZ AUSSIE - THE HIGH DRAGON LORD OF THE UNDERWORLDS UNIVERSE GALACTICA 3.3.3 SAPPHIRE LOTUS ROSE GOD HADES LUCIFER SATANNA + THE BLACK JEDHI KNIGHT RAINBOW WARRIOR BUDDAH BENEVOLENT TRUE BUDDHA SUPREME LORD ASATHOR DRIVER INDRA RA THUNDERGOD HIM THE E.O. OF WODAN (ALLAH) - IOI POWERBALL F.A.B II INTERNATIONAL RESCUE THUNDERBIRDS ARE A GO! GO!! WODAN!!!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Utegate: The Web Of Wonder, Turnbull's office linked to "fake" utegate email space n~SPACE S N-space n+SPACE P N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPA




Question: If a woman can well so do anything that a man can do and much more, what be it the prime reason being so born a man?

Answer: Well as any man knows that a woman can sometimes go beyond any logical reason that's known to man, GOD decided in HIS Eternal Wisdom it being quite reasonable to create man named HIM Adam first be prime reasoning of GOD. It was only on the request of HE Adam that GOD decided to create woman named HER Eve and they've been ribbing one another ever since, pardon the PUN. To those women who think that GOD being SHE know if that being the case MAN being so GOD'S GIFT too you women, it a gift that keeps on giving and giving to those who are willing to receive. It being so it the fucking fact and bloody truth know it so women. Oh my GOD yes screams you WOMAN, oh you screams yes my GOD HIGHER.

Comment: Yes you may take the woman off her man but you can never take the man out of his woman, as women are from Venus and men being from Mars.


NEWS.COM.AU FROM ALL ANGLES: “NEDA” looks up at the camera as she lies dying on the streets of Tehran. Blood begins to pour from her mouth and her nose. Her eyes roll back in her head as men scramble to her side to fight, in vain, to keep her alive. Shot through the heart, she dies within minutes. Foreign media are banned from reporting on “non-official” events in Iran and dozens have been arrested or deported in the latest crisis. But this video of a girl no older than 16 bleeding to death has been broadcast across the globe via the internet. It has been posted on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook and has become a rallying point for anti-government protesters inside Iran and around the world. Reports from Iran say the teenager was watching Saturday’s protests with her father when she was shot by Iran’s militia. A message posted with the original YouTube video alleges she was intentionally shot through the chest by a Basij member hiding on a rooftop. “He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart.” “I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim's chest, and she died in less than two minutes. “The protests were going on about one kilometre away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gas used among them, towards Salehi St.” "Neda" in Farsi means "the call" or "the voice". While reporters are not sure whether this is actually the girl's name, there is no doubt that she has become the human face of the Iranian conflict. As Robin Wright wrote in Time: "Although it is not yet clear who shot "Neda" (a soldier? pro government militant? an accidental misfiring?) her death may have changed everything."

Opposition steps up protests: Overnight at least 10 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in Tehran as the opposition stepped up its challenge to the country's Islamic rulers. Defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi fired off unprecedented criticism of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In a fresh statement, Mr Mousavi told his supporters: "To protest against lies and fraud is your right." In apparent backing for continued demonstrations, he said: "In your protests keep on refraining from violence... I as one of the mourners (of the Saturday killings) invite my dear people to self-restraint. The nation belongs to you.'' In an analysis published overnight, independent British think-tank Chatham House said the election results showed "irregularities'' in the turnout and "highly implausible'' swings to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. There would have to have been a radical shift in rural voting patterns and a "highly unlikely'' change in heart among former reformist voters for Mr Ahmadinejad to win as he did, the study concluded.

Iranian leaders lash out at "meddling West": Struggling to contain the massive street protests unleashed since the disputed June 12 election that returned Mr Ahmadinejad to office, Iranian leaders lashed out at Western nations, foreign media and the exiled opposition. World leaders have voiced mounting alarm over the unrest, which has jolted the pillars of the Islamic regime and raised concerns over the future of the oil-rich Shiite Muslim powerhouse. The foreign media has been barred from covering the demonstrations as part of tight new restrictions on their work. Reporters Without Borders says at least 23 Iranian journalists, editors and bloggers have been arrested since June 14 and they have lost contact with several others believed detained or in hiding. A Canadian journalist working in Iran for Newsweek magazine was detained without charge by Iranian authorities, the magazine said, adding that Maziar Bahari had not been heard from since. The BBC said its correspondent in Tehran had been ordered to leave within 24 hours while the authorities warned the British media of further action if the "interference'' continues. Dubai-based television channel Al-Arabiya said its Tehran bureau had been ordered to remain closed indefinitely for "unfair reporting'' of the election. Mr Ahmadinejad bluntly told the United States and Britain to stop interfering after Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki accused London of plotting for the past two years to sabotage the election. "By making hasty comments, you will not have a place in the circle of the Iranian nation's friends. Therefore, I recommend you to correct your interfering positions,'' Mr Ahmadinejad said. Iran's electoral watchdog, the 12-member Guardians Council, said on Saturday it was ready to recount up to 10 per cent of the ballot boxes from the election. Karim Sadjadpour of US-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said the "previously sacred red lines'' were being challenged in Iran - where 60 per cent of the population were born after the revolution. He said it was "unprecedented'' for people to question the legitimacy of the institution of the supreme leader. - DO KNOW THAT UPON "SEE" THE APOLLYON WILL SO QUESTION THE LEGITIMACY OF THE INSTITUTION OF THE SUPREME LEADER IN IRAN. FOR UPON "SEE" HIM THE E.O. BEING THE LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY OVERALL BEING OVERLORD OF ALL PEOPLES WORLDWIDE BY AUTHORITY OF ALLAH (WODAN). AND IF ANY FUCKER ON THIS PLANET DISPUTES THIS CLAIM THEN DO KNOW IT SHALL GIVE HIM LORD GOD HADES LUCIFER SATANNA THE REAL PLEASURE OF PERSONALLY REMOVING YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR SHOULDERS WHEN HE CATCHES UP WITH YOU, THATS IF THE JEDHI LEGIONS OF THE TRUE LIGHT OF SATAN THAT ARE THE ARMY OF DARKNESS HAVE NOT SO SPILLED YOUR GUTS FIRST OK.

OZ7 LOTTO SUPER QUICKPICK 01 10764 13042131 68564 021774 - 01 10764 13042131 68565 062066 SUPER QUICKPICK POWERBALL.

Utegate: The Web Of Wonder, Turnbull's office linked to "fake" utegate email space n~SPACE S N-space n+SPACE P N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE A N(SPACE) I N'SPACE PA N.SPACE C N,SPACE E N~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HE SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space lia n~space me space n-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE IP N_space ac n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space e n~space tag n-space et n+space u space n=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE End space n-SPACE SPACE Quote space n+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE IP N*space ac n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ek n-space af space n+SPACE SPACE Quote space n=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE IP N=space ac n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE space o n,space t space n~SPACE S N-space pa n+space c n=space n_SPACE E SPACE N*space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space d ek n,space nil space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE IP N=space ac n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE space ec n,space if n~space fo space n-SPACE S N+space pa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE space s space n,space space eh n~space port n-space s n+space op space n=SPACE A SPACE N_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) IP N'space ac n,SPACE E SPACE N~space n-SPACE SPACE N+space space ll n=space ub n_space nr n*space u space n(SPACE) T SPACE N'SPACE S pa n,space c n~space n-SPACE E SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space am n*space mo space n(SPACE) C SPACE N'SPACE A n,SPACE IP N~space ac n-space n+SPACE E SPACE N=space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space red n(space) no space n'SPACE W SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space f space n+SPACE O SPACE N=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~space space be space n-SPACE W SPACE N+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE IP N*space ac n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE 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n*space e space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE I N,space pace space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space l n+space ink n=space e n_space d space n*SPACE S N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space to space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Quote space n(SPACE) S N'space a face space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space fa n-space ke space n+SPACE SPACE End space n=SPACE SPACE Quote space n_SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) I N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE S N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space ut n_space eg n*space ate space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE I N,space pace space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space em n+space ail space n=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE AI N.SPACE PA N,SPACE CE N~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HIM SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space lia n(space) me space n'SPACE AI a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space eta n+space get n=space u space n_SPACE SPACE End space n*SPACE SPACE Quote space n(SPACE) S N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space e n~space ka n-space f space n+SPACE SPACE Quote space n=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE S pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ot space n-SPACE AI N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space dek n(space) nil space n'SPACE S pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space ec n-space if n+space fo space n=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space s space space eh n,space ports n~space op space n-SPACE A SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space l n(space) l n'space u b n,space n n~space r n-space u space n+SPACE T SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space am mo space n,SPACE C SPACE N~SPACE S N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space red n_space no space n*SPACE W SPACE N(SPACE) AI N'space a face space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space f space n-SPACE O SPACE N+SPACE S N=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space be space n(SPACE) W SPACE N'SPACE AI a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space eh space n+SPACE T SPACE N=SPACE S N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) A N'SPACE I N.SPACE A N,SPACE FACE N~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE HIS SPACE N+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE The space n,SPACE AI N~space n-SPACE P N+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE Web space n*SPACE Spa n(space) c n'space n.SPACE E SPACE N,space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Of space n+SPACE AI N=space n_SPACE P N*space ace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE Wonder space n.SPACE SPACE Co n,space n~SPACE M N-space n+SPACE M N=space a space n_SPACE Spa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE AI N-space n+SPACE P N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Turn n(space) bull space n'SPACE SPACE Apostrophe space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space s space n+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE space off n,space ice space n~SPACE AI N-space n+SPACE P N=space ace space n_SPACE SPACE N*space space link n(space) e n'space d space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space to space n+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Quote space n,SPACE AI N~space n-SPACE P N+space ace space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space fake space n*SPACE SPACE End space n(SPACE) SPACE Quote space n'SPACE Spa c n,space n~SPACE E SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE N=space space ute n_space gate space n*SPACE AI N(space) n'SPACE P ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space e n-space mail space n+SPACE Spa n=space c n_space n*SPACE E SPACE N(space) n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE GHOSTFACE KILLAH; A FORMER adviser to Malcolm Turnbull has denied involvement with the email at the centre of the utegate affair. As revealed by The Punch this afternoon, Paul Lindwall, an ex-Treasury official who worked with Mr Turnbull until a few weeks ago, has links to Godwin Grech. Last week, Mr Grech linked Treasurer Wayne Swan to efforts to help John Grant Motors obtain finance earlier this year. There is no suggestion that Mr Lindwall - a former staffer to both Peter Costello and Mr Turnbull -has engaged in any wrongdoing, but it is understood the Australian Federal Police want to speak with him to determine his involvement, if any, in the affair. Late today Mr Lindwall told he had nothing to do with the fake email. "I don't know anything about the email, I can tell you that," he said. Mr Lindwall admitted to knowing Mr Grech, adding: "I used to work in Treasury, anyone who worked in Treasury would know Godwin." The ABC reported earlier that an email had been found on the Treasury computer system which had been sent to the home account of Mr Grech, a top Treasury official. Federal police officers interviewed Mr Grech today, The Australian reports. IT experts searched his computer for email records, Sky News reported. The drama centres on whether Mr Rudd, Mr Swan or members of their staff pressured Treasury officials to help Ipswich car dealer John Grant, a mate of the PM. The email claimed to be from a member of the Prime Minister's staff inquiring about financial assistance for Mr Grant's dealership. Mr Grant applied for help from Mr Grech at the OzCar emergency credit scheme, which was set up to help car dealers stay afloat after two major financiers pulled out of the Australian industry during the worst of the financial crisis last year. There is a Senate inquiry and an auditor-general's inquiry into the matter, as well as the AFP investigation.

Rudd v Turnbull: In Parliament, the Opposition Leader focused entirely on the Treasurer in a lengthy and impassioned speech. He accused Mr Swan of having lied outright to Parliament. "It is abundantly plain that everything he has said in this house about John Grant is false. You cannot escape the fact that presiding over the finances of the Commonwealth of Australia is a Treasurer who has lied to this House," Mr Turnbull said. Mr Turnbull made no mention of the email to Mr Grech. But Mr Rudd talked of nothing else, focusing on its veracity and ignoring Mr Turnbull's claims against Mr Swan. Mr Rudd tried to censure Mr Turnbull "for relying on, actively communicating and promoting the contents of a fake email, to attack the integrity of the Prime Minister and the Treasurer". "Not only is (Mr Turnbull) not fit to be leader of the Opposition by his actions in this sordid Turnbull email forgery affair, he has also disqualified himself from ever being fit to serve as leader of this country," he told Parliament. Tonight, Mr Rudd advised Liberal Party elders to tap Mr Turnbull on the shoulder. "I would call upon the ... experienced hands of the Liberal Party, Mr Costello, Brendan Nelson, Senator Minchin, to tap Mr Turnbull on the shoulder and say it is time to go," Mr Rudd told the Nine Network. "He does not have the character to occupy the highest office in the land.''

Heat on Swan: A series of emails tabled at a Senate inquiry on Friday appears to show that the Treasurer and his office were taking a special interest in Mr Grant's case. It also emerged an update on Mr Grant's progress had been sent to Mr Swan's home fax. In Parliament, the Treasurer has said he received regular updates from Treasury officials about the progress of the OzCar scheme. "I was worried sick, worried sick, that some of these dealerships were going to hit the wall,"he said. "This lousy mob opposite are seeking to exploit that action and to somehow say it was sleazy." Mr Swan has said his office received around 130 emails from Mr Grech between October and June. "Out of all these 130 odd emails sent to my office only a handful of the emails related to John Grant," he said. Mr Swan said earlier he would not release them to the public because they are "commercial-in-confidence". He has said the emails would be given to the auditor-general's inquiry.

WOMEN OF LEAGUE; You that assist and follow the Great Game of Rugby League. Do stand up Sisters in Arms with your Brothers in Arms upon the SEE and answer the CALL of the Great LORD GOD WODAN (ALLAH). For know that your Brothers who do gladitorial combat on the fields of honour formerly warriors of another age who died in the service of GOD then known as Odin, for the honour of fighting in the final battles of this Age it of Ragnarok. Raised from the Halls of Valhalla being so those known as Vikings, reborn in another time in other lands and cultures, but who are passionate in playing the Great Game of Rugby League. The game that are of the final important battles of this Age of Darkness, it the tackles tries hit-ups line-drop-outs penalties field goals etc... it individual scores are numbers pertinent to the ENDGAME. - HIM HIGH DIVINE DRAGON LORD ASATHOR DRIVER INDRA RA THUNDERGOD THE E.O. OF WODAN.







Sunday, June 21, 2009

On the glory afternoons in June I need you just like raindrops you'll feel so good on my lips, when I want you, I'll follow you:

Questions & Answers

Q: What being the most important duty in living life of persons spiritual sentient humans being 1?

A: Serving Spiritual Greater 1 known by many as GOD, thus in turn recieve guidance towards one's own true Self Enlightenment Envisions 1 ultimate TRANSCENDENCE it life of no rebirths and deaths. - "LET THERE BE LIGHT"

Q: What's being it the most important roles when one is being spiritually born gender female form woman?

A: Women can do anything that men can do and so much more. Nothing should so stop a woman from having a career it the same as those of men, it including so frontline professional soldiering. But the most important duty when a woman becomes a mother is being above all else being so mother first and foremost for their children, as it be your duty as the primary carer to ensure future generations of our human societies being caring educated honourable respectful nuturing people. Nothing wrong being a housewife, because someone has to hold the homes together if we're ever to have real communities.

Q: Anything wrong being homosexual or lesbian or bisexual or being born transgender or having so outlandish sexual fetishes as part of your life experiences?

A: Nothing wrong with any thing as long as it is shared with other consenting individuals who are adult age. Only sin is rape or paedophilia which being punishable of it death penalty, it Law of WODAN (ALLAH).

On the glory afternoons in June I need you just like raindrops you'll feel so good on my lips, when I want you, I'll follow you: The Wolf of Wall Street LRO Just Like Raindrops Basement Jaxx Heart Attack Grill Diet Centers LCROSS Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Cosmic space n'SPACE S pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE Lord space n-SPACE A N+space n=SPACE I N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Goddess space n'SPACE S a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE S N+SPACE SO N=SPACE RC N_SPACE L SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space s n~space ret n-space ne space n+SPACE C SPACE N=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space t e n,space n~SPACE I SPACE N-space n+SPACE C SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space l l n,space n~SPACE I N-space r space n+SPACE G SPACE N=SPACE S N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space space k cat n,space n~SPACE T SPACE N-space n+SPACE A SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE T N,space r n~space a n-space n+SPACE E SPACE N=space n_SPACE H SPACE N*SPACE S N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space x n~space x n-space a space n+SPACE J SPACE N=SPACE AI N_space a n*space face space n(SPACE) SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE T N,space ne n~space me n-space s n+space a space n=SPACE B SPACE N_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE space sp n,space or n~space dn n-space n+SPACE I N=space a space n_SPACE R SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space space ek n~space n-SPACE I SPACE N+space n=SPACE L SPACE N_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE n,SPACE T N~space su space n-SPACE J SPACE N+SPACE AI N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE O N'SPACE RL SPACE N.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space space tee n+space r n=space n_SPACE T SPACE N*space n(SPACE) S SPACE N'SPACE S a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE SPACE L N=space la space n_SPACE W SPACE N*SPACE AI N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,space n~SPACE F N-space n+SPACE O SPACE N=space n_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE n,SPACE SPACE F N~space n-SPACE L N+space n=SPACE O SPACE N_space n*SPACE W SPACE N(SPACE) AI N'space a face space n,SPACE SPACE N~space space eh space n-SPACE T SPACE N+SPACE S N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) A N'SPACE I N.SPACE P N,SPACE A N~SPACE C N-SPACE E N+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE God space n_SPACE S N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Lord space n,SPACE A N~space n-SPACE I N+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE Cosmic space n(SPACE) S N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE T N~space he space n-SPACE AI N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE Wolf space n*SPACE S N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE space of space n,SPACE AI N~space pace space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE SPACE W N=space all space n_SPACE S N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE St re n,space et space n~SPACE AI N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE L N_SPACE RO SPACE N*SPACE S N(space) pace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE J N,space us n~space n-SPACE T SPACE N+space n=SPACE AI N_space pace space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Like space n'SPACE S pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE R N-space n+SPACE AI N=space n n_space drop n*space n(SPACE) S SPACE N'space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE B N+space as n=space n_SPACE E N*space me n(space) n n'space n.SPACE T SPACE N,space n~SPACE S N-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE SPACE Ja n_space x n*space x space n(SPACE) AI N'space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE He n~space art space n-SPACE S N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE A N*space n(SPACE) T N'space tack space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE G N+space r n=space ill space n_SPACE AI N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE SPACE D n,SPACE I N~space et space n-SPACE S N+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE C N*space enter n(space) s space n'SPACE AI pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE L N-SPACE CR N+SPACE OS N=SPACE S SPACE N_SPACE S N*space pace space n(SPACE) SPACE N'SPACE A N.SPACE IP N,space ace space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPA N+SPACE C N=SPACE E N_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE SPACE The space n(SPACE) A N'space n.SPACE IP N,space ac n~space n-SPACE E SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE Almighty space n*SPACE Sp n(space) ace space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE SPACE Creator space n,SPACE AI N~space a n-space face space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE S N_SPACE P N*SPACE A N(SPACE) C N'SPACE E N.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE The space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Wolf space n'SPACE S pa n,space c n~space n-SPACE E SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_space space of space n*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Wall space n+SPACE S N=space pa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Street space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE LRO SPACE N'SPACE S pa n,space c n~space n-SPACE E SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE Just space n*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Like space n+SPACE S N=space pa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Rain n~space dr n-space op n+space n=SPACE S SPACE N_space n*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Basement space n+SPACE S N=space pa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Jaxx space n~SPACE A N-space n+SPACE I N=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) SPACE Heart space n'SPACE S pa n,space c n~space n-SPACE E SPACE N+space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE SPACE Attack space n*SPACE A N(space) n'SPACE I a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE SPACE Grill space n+SPACE S N=space pa n_space c n*space n(SPACE) E SPACE N'space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Die n~space n-SPACE T SPACE N+space n=SPACE A N_space n*SPACE I N(space) a n'space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE SPACE Center n~space n-SPACE S SPACE N+space n=SPACE S N_space pa n*space c n(space) n'SPACE E SPACE n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE SPACE L N-SPACE CROSS SPACE N+SPACE A N=space n_SPACE I N*space a n(space) face space n'SPACE SPACE N.SPACE 1:
The Wolf of Wall Street LRO Just Like Raindrops Basement Jaxx Heart Attack Grill Diet Centers LCROSS - HIM HIGH GRAND LORD WIZARD OF OZ AUSSIE MORLOKK THE MAGE

NEWS.COM.AU "FROM ALL ANGLES": OPPOSITION Leader Malcolm Turnbull has 24 hours to produce the alleged email at the centre of the OzCar scandal or step down, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says. Mr Rudd said there was a ticking clock for Mr Turnbull to show Parliament evidence of the email on which the case against himself, the Treasurer and the Government was based. However Mr Turnbull has dismissed the challenge as "arrogant" and a distraction from the real issue. At the heart of the Opposition's claims has been an alleged email sent from Mr Rudd's office to a treasury official suggesting Queensland car dealer John Grant should be given priority in a government assistance program. Mr Grant is a friend and neighbour of Mr Rudd. No trace of the email has been found and Mr Rudd has called in both the Australian Federal Police and the auditor-general to investigate the issue. "Mr Turnbull and the Liberals have been boasting for a long time now that they are in possession of this information," Mr Rudd said. "Well, the time has come to produce this information to the Parliament for authentication. "If when Parliament resumes in 24 hours, Mr Turnbull fails to produce this email... he has no alternative but to stand in the Parliament, apologise and resign." The OzCar program was set up to help car dealers struggling to get finance due to the global financial crisis. Mr Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan have both denied allegations they gave Mr Grant preferential treatment by trying to help him gain a government-assisted loan. 'Email just a distraction' Mr Turnbull today said Mr Rudd's challenge was "arrogant" and he was using the email as a distraction from the fact his Treasurer misled Parliament over the issue. "How can you have the gall, the arrogance to demand the Opposition produce an email that it has never claimed to have?" he asked. Emails released on Friday night showed the extent of the attempts by Mr Swan's office to assist Mr Grant's in his application, The Sunday Telegraph reported. Mr Swan has also admitted he bought a car from Mr Grant for use in his electorate office, but said he had paid full commercial price. "What Mr Rudd is doing is seeking to use the matter of this email to distract the attention of the Australian people from the fact that his Treasurer had unquestionably misled Parliament," Mr Turnbull said today. "There's no doubt about that." When asked if he would resign if the email claim was fake, Mr Turnbull said: "You are all falling for Mr Rudd's trick." The Opposition leader also said an auditor-general's investigation instigated by Mr Rudd should be extended to include Mr Swan. Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey today refused to comment on the alleged email, but said Mr Swan could expect a tough week in question time. "Wayne Swan this morning dodged a few bullets," he said. "Over the next few days he will not be able to avoid answering questions, detailed questions, about his relationship with John Grant and exactly what he did to help John Grant. "Over the next few days we will be asking a lot of questions of the Treasurer. We expect a lot of detailed answers." Mr Swan has denied the allegations he acted improperly and said calls for his resignation were "completely ridiculous". With AAP

ALMOST half of Australia's privately-owned companies have implemented wage freezes and cancelled investment or expansion plans in preparation for a tough year ahead. Private companies, representing the bulk of Australia's small and medium businesses, employ about 3.5 million workers and account for almost half of Australia's economic output. But, in further evidence of the deteriorating economy, an annual survey of privately-owned firms, released yesterday by accountants KPMG, revealed that the sector was struggling, with many firms taking desperate measures to keep their heads above water. The survey reported in the Sunday Telegraph said more than half of all the firms had laid off staff in the previous six months, because of the slowdown. "A further one-quarter intend to cut their head count over the next six to 12 months and, of these, half expected to cut staff by five to 10 per cent," the report said. But, in a bid to cut their financial liabilities and prevent redundancies, 27 per cent of firms were asking employees to take long-service leave, 50 per cent had requested workers take annual leave and 20 per cent asked staff to work reduced hours. "Getting staff to take holidays is important to balance the books," said Shane Oliver, chief economist at AMP Capital. "If an employee is owed holidays, a company has to put money aside to cover that liability. If left unchecked, it can be very expensive." "For example, if a worker doesn't take any holiday for three years, they will have been paid for 52 weeks each year and still be owed 12 weeks' holiday pay. It's like paying them for 56 weeks' work each year." Almost half of all companies (43 per cent) had also put a freeze on salary increases. Worryingly, for the coming year, the survey revealed that 42 per cent of firms had cancelled major projects or business expansion plans, compared to 15 per cent in 2008. Almost all of the rest had put their plans on ice, exacerbating a massive fall in business investment seen right across the economy. "That's a worrying trend because business investment was a big factor in keeping Australia out of recession last year," Mr Oliver said. But companies are clearly worried, with 26 per cent of firms expecting their revenues to fall over the coming 12 months. "Of the remainder, nearly half are forecasting revenue growth of five per cent or less. More than two-thirds of all respondents believe the economy remains in a downward cycle. These are not boom-time figures," the report said. About 65 per cent of companies rated their outlook as "poor" or "very poor" for the coming six to 12 months, with only 6.5 per cent rating the outlook as "good" or "very good." "In our 2008 survey, three-quarters of respondents said the immediate outlook was average or better, so there has been a deterioration in short-term sentiment." Surprisingly, about 30 per cent of firms struggled to find appropriate skilled labour. "This shows that even in the worst of times, the need for skilled people remains," said KPMG's Don Abell. "For the third year in a row, a skills shortage was reported across all industries. It remained high in mining, manufacturing and utility sectors, showing the traditional trade skills are still in short supply."

FORMER treasurer Peter Costello has not been asked to look after the $60 billion Future Fund he helped design. But the Government is still keen for him to put up his hand for any other public jobs that may arise. Speculation has been rife about Mr Costello's future, after he announced his retirement from politics last week. Fairfax reported he had been earmarked to run the fund that oversees investments to meet Commonwealth superannuation liabilities. Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan said the job offer was never made, but the doors remain open for him to take on other positions in government. "Someone's political background should not necessarily disqualify them appointment to public bodies, if in fact they're qualified," Mr Swan told the Nine Network. "(Mr Costello) has put in, over a period of time, a very serious contribution to this country and may well be a candidate for some position in the future." Mr Costello had "a political track record of achievement", Ms Gillard said. "And that deserves a round of appreciation and applause. "Peter Costello is of course very free and very welcome to put himself forward for opportunities as they arrive. "Mr Costello announced he would not recontest his Melbourne seat of Higgins at the next election on his website last Monday. He will leave behind a two-decade career in politics, including ten years as treasurer. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has noted Mr Costello's experience and vast array of contacts, but would not be drawn on the specifics of a job offer.

SHADOW Treasurer Joe Hockey has refused to comment about an alleged email at the centre of the OzCar affair, but says Treasurer Wayne Swan can expect a tough week in question time. The Opposition claims Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's office sent the email to a treasury official handling the government assistance program for car dealers, suggesting he give Queensland dealer John Grant priority. Mr Grant is a friend and neighbour of Mr Rudd. The alleged email has not yet been found. The Prime Minister has now called on Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull to produce the email within the next day or step down. Today Mr Hockey refused to comment on the email or who had seen it. "The Prime Minister has asked federal police to investigate this matter, now we don't want to compromise that federal police investigation," Mr Hockey said. "We will cooperate fully with the federal police... we are not going to assist the investigation by engaging in speculation about the email." He said Mr Swan was now in the frame on the matter and would be hounded by the opposition. "Wayne Swan this morning dodged a few bullets. Over the next few days he will not be able to avoid answering questions, detailed questions, about his relationship with John Grant and exactly what he did to help John Grant," Mr Hockey said. "Over the next few days we will be asking a lot of questions of the Treasurer. We expect a lot of detailed answers. "The Treasurer now should throw open the doors and allow a full investigation into all of his activities in relation to John Grant and in relation to OzCar."

FORMER Carlton president John Elliott has revealed the club paid thousands of dollars to women he claims falsely complained they were raped by Blues players. Mr Elliott said the club had paid "four or five" women about $5000 each to keep them from going public. The payments were made when Mr Elliott was president during the 1980s and '90s, the Sunday Herald Sun reports. Mr Elliott said he believed the women had made up stories of rape and had, in fact, had consensual sex with players. But he said the club had concerns one woman might be telling the truth. She also had accepted hush money. Mr Elliott made the comments at a fund-raiser where he was debating the role of the media in sport, but went further when he spoke to the Sunday Herald Sun yesterday. Asked why the women were paid off, he said: "We didn't want it to get in the press." Mr Elliott said some women had been told to "go away", but others were paid. He believed they had probably consented and then backtracked. "There's some very ordinary people out there," he said. He said the club thought the pay-offs were appropriate. "... rather than go through a huge front-page story ... in all cases I know except one, the players denied it," he said. He said he did not know if the women's claims were true and the chief executives of the day dealt with the complaints. "We just sort of said, 'Righto, here's five grand, off you go' and they'd leave," he said. Mr Elliott said all women offered payments took the money and dropped their complaints, which he said gave him confidence their stories had not been true. But he said there was one case that was not so clear. "Of the four or five, there was one that we were worried about, the others we knew were not true or we were told by the players they weren't true," he said. Club spokesman Ian Coutts said: "John Elliott does not speak on behalf of the Carlton Football Club."

COLONIES of the woylie, a critically endangered kangaroo-like marsupial, will be protected inside a 400ha predator-proof enclosure. The West Australian Government today announced $600,000 in funds to protect the marsupial which is native to the state. The enclosure will be set up inside the Perup Nature Reserve near Manjimup, in the state's southwest to safeguard a population of about 500 woylies, Environment Minister Donna Faragher said. Perth Zoo will also be funded to study the colonies. Once spread across southern Australia, numbers of the woylie have continued to decline since the 1970s due to feral cats and the fox. In 2000, the WA Department of Environment and Conservation listed about 20,000 woylies living in the state's southwest. Ms Faragher said there were now estimated to be fewer than 1000. "The aim is to establish a secure emergency colony for the woylie," Ms Faragher said. "The enclosure will not only protect the woylies from feral predators but will also enable scientists to conduct vital research on the health of woylies."

A HOSPITAL-themed restaurant in the US is being criticised for serving up an extremely unhealthy menu, including massive burgers, and having waitresses dressed in sexy nurses outfits. Even before entering the Heart Attack Grill in Arizona, US, customers are warned of the unhealthy treats waiting inside by a large sign reading “Caution: This place is bad for your health”. On the menu are burgers named after open-heart surgical procedures including Single, Double, Triple and Quadruple Bypass Burgers, which range from half a pound (226 grams) to two pounds (900 grams) of beef. Also included is unlimited Flatliner Fries, which are cooked in lard, along will full sugar cola, cigarettes without filters, hard liquor and beer. The Quadruple Bypass Burger contains around 8000 calories (33,600 kilojoules), fitting for a restaurant whose motto is “a taste worth dying for”. Those who are watching what they eat need not bother visiting – there are no diet options available. At the restaurant customers are called “patients” and are banded for identification. Wheelchair service is provided to customers who finish the Quadruple Bypass Burger, where the "nurse" of their choice takes them back to their car. The restaurant was founded in 2005 by "Dr Jon", who isn’t a real doctor but who has worked for years as a nutritionist. Dr Jon admits that eating at the restaurant can end up sending you to the emergency room, and thought it appropriate to give the restaurant the feel of a hospital. “I founded the Heart Attack Grill as a simple place where a guy can get a good burger, a cold beer, and not worry about being on a restrictive diet,” Dr Jon said. “I run perhaps the only honest restaurant in America: hey this is bad for you and it’s going to kill you.” The restaurant has come under attack from activist groups and the government over the waitresses’ nurses outfits, including a threatened shut-down from the Arizona Attorney General in 2006. “Since I thought that it would be funny for a 'bad for you' place to have a hospital theme, it only seemed natural to me to put the waitresses into Nurse outfits,” ‘Dr Jon’ said. “I thought to myself, 'sex does sell, this could be a good idea'. What I didn't realize at the time was that I was about to set off a debate of epic proportions.” Professional nurses took offence to what they saw as the “degradation” of nurses by the restaurant, igniting a battle which saw Dr Jon being arrested for attempting to open a live fire hose on a group of picketing nurses. A compromise was reached when Dr Jon put a disclaimer on his website stating: "The use of the word 'nurse' above is only intended as a parody. None of the women pictured on our website actually have any medical training, nor do they attempt to provide any real medical services. It should be made clear that the Heart Attack Grill and all its employees do not offer any therapeutic treatments". The future of the restaurant, according to Dr Jon, lies in its ability to successfully transition into a diet centre, competing with established weight loss giants such as Jenny Craig, Nutri-System, and Weight Watchers. "The new Heart Attack Grill Diet Centers will offer the American public something that no other program has ever been able to do... a diet program that you actually enjoy and can stick with for a lifetime," Dr Jon said. The restaurant remains extremely popular with people looking for unhealthy meals, and is never out of the spotlight for long. “Not a single week has gone by without me having given an interview with some radio, magazine, or television station somewhere in the world,” ‘Dr Jon’ said.

HELL YEAH WHAT IS BLOODY WRONG WITH A PIECE OF DEAD ANIMAL ON THE BAR-B-QUE? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING THAT'S WHAT! THAT IT BE THE BLOODY FINAL WORDS OF GOD. "Do live your life to the fullest and make death the Number 1 Lifestyle Option as your own individual choice, in it being of your everlasting lifetimes I." - ASATHOR DRIVER INDRA RA THUNDERGOD!!!