Monday, September 14, 2009


Premier Bligh I did reads that you did ok a cooking up before 3 Judges of MASTERCHEF, but that is not why I write once again to you Anna and do know it is definitely the final time that I emails before ALL SEES. Main reason I do write this file it so happens to be Father Bob Maguire’s 75th Birthday today and I do note there being quite a fuss made that he has been invited by Archbishop Hart too forward letter of resignation as Parish Priest within 3 days a being Thursday. Let I so remind you that Father Bob and Muslim Cleric Sheik Taj El-Din HILALY are the only individuals of any recognised religion that The E.O. will recognise in the first instance as JEDHI Knights of the Cloth, all other JEDHI who are of the many colours of the Cloth that Shepherd so the Flocks of GOD will have to contact one of these 2 individuals if they do so wish to have Audience with the LORD. That includes Eminences such as the Dali Lama and Pope Benedict, no ifs or buts it is Order of WODAN. Ok now back to what is important and that being it Great Game of Rugby League as we heads towards Grand Final 101. So don’t disturb me with anything else on the news making me write more BULLSHIT. I note Traveston Crossing Dam looks like getting so go-a-head by the Federal Government and I do see Julia Gillard having a bit of a hard time it Question Time. Know it’ll do her good to be bloodied just as Malcolm Turnbull shall become better Leader after what he has gone through, just go ask Johnny Boy. Obama “powerless” to stop wars – Quotes I Osama Bin Laden; that being truth of the matter PREMIER. I also read the Financial Nostradamus so predicted another Global Financial Collapse being inevitable, seems like all your Stimulus Packages will come to naught as what we be propping up being inherently corrupt. But hey in the end we shall get more Bang 4 Our Bucks pardon the pun as the name of the Big Game is let the greedy banker profiteers outsmart themselves once and 4 all and let them have it all, thinking that they got us common folk by the balls. Wicked isn’t it, when you know fact of it Catch-22. Ok Mercury is in retrograde and goes direct 00:14 AEST 30/09/09, Saturn & Uranus is making things a lively for us all till then, it Jupiter Neptune Chiron triple conjunction finishes around time it Equinox, NRL Grand Final Full Moon 4th October 16:10 AEST. Sweet Fucking Jesus Premier, picking the DATE WE SEES is like picking which Clubs play GRAND FINAL? Exciting isn’t it Premier knowing it the unexpected expected but not knowing actual date it expected, you got to so hand it to the BOSS to keep everyone guessing including me HIS EMISSARY from knowing. Anyways when it being finally time this charade is finally over know that we JEDHI KNIGHTS have our work cut out, as it will be a Brave New World that is full of daunting challenges, least of which being keeping kiddies under control until they bloody get a handle on the new world situation seeing as that all that they held dear in their world will be pulled from underneath them. All I can say is do have real courage from the fact that the LORD is with you a heart mind body and soul and I think I do so quotes John Wayne that “Courage is being scared shitless, but still saddling ups” – THE BLACK JEDHI KNIGHT

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